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"Ready?" Richard called around my office at about 7 o'clock that night holding violets hand. I didn't even look up to answer him.

"For what?" I asked typing away on the computer.

"For dinner, we said we'd go out. How about you invite that boy of yours too? Matt." Richard smirked glancing as he sent Violet back to the desk where Lily was.

"I'm sorry, I've still got work to do. I can catch up later-- wait how did you know about--"

"Matt? Oh it was obvious." Richard rolled his eyes. "How about we go ahead? It'll be ages while we wait for a table by the time you meet us at the restaurant we'll just be sitting down."

"You're sure?" I said still staring at my computer screen concentrating.

"Yes, I'll even pick up lover boy on the way there. See you in what 30-45 minutes at the pub down the road?" He asked.

"Yeah I'll see you there. 30..ish minutes." I smiled glancing at him quickly, where he winked at me and then disappeared going to get Violet and quickly leaving the newsroom.

- - - - -

"Shit." I slammed my hand down on the desk angrily, today was not going well.

"Well you sound happy." Lily said walking into my office.

"I thought I was finished but now I realise there is still a piece missing from tomorrow's edition. Whoever it is hasn't bothered to submit a piece and now I have to write it for them." I explained to Lily starting to pull up research on the Internet.

"Hey you have dinner with Violet right?" Lily asked.

"Yeah." I nodded.

"Go, I'll write the piece." She smiled at me gently.

"No, I should-- I'm the editor." I shook my head refusing her quickly.

"Exactly the editor not the writer. I'll do it, you know my work it's fine. You go catch up with your sister who is going home tomorrow and free her from Richards care." Lily smirked.

"Really?" I asked.

"Really. Now go." She said as I stood up and she sat down in my chair behind my desk.

"Lock up before you leave and uh text me if any things wrong. Seriously anything happens ill drop everything and come." I panicked as she pushed me towards the door.

"Alright now go." She pushed me away.

I walked out and started to get through the corridors quickly, when suddenly my psychology teacher caught me and grabbed my arm slightly. "Jenna do you have a minute? It's about your recent paper."

I knew I had a minute for that. I did the assignment in no less than an hour and to be honest I thought it was really good. I was expecting a good grade and when a teacher stops me she usually tells me I've done well.

"Yeah sure." I smiled stepping into her office and sitting down on the other side of her desk.

"So I've got your recent paper here and I'm not all that impressed. I mean it's an average for the class..."

"D/C?" I whispered as she handed me the paper.

"I wouldn't bring it up with anyone else it just seems-- well you're an outstanding student and I can see when someone is being over worked. You're taking 5 courses this year?" She asked me.

"I was told I could. I wanted to." I defended.

"I think you should drop my class. It's not that you're bad at it. You're not. Actually you are the smartest in the class but I can see you don't want to be a psychologist when you're older and frankly you're using other subjects to complete the essays."

In Omnia Paratus (AU) - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now