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"So turns out, that uh fashion show? It's the week that violet is here for a few days. I think I'll have to either cancel violet or drop out of the show." I grumbled walking into dorm after work one night.

"Ah I'm sorry, but is the show just one night?" Lily asked curiously.

"Yeah but I would have to be there most of the day as well you know preparing." I muttered a bit disappointed. "I'll probably cancel Violet because I can't back out of work they'll probably just fire me."

"They won't fire you. I'll look after Violet for one day." Lily offered.

"She's a 6 year old child you know that right? You'd actually have to take care of her." I frowned at lily before laughing a little bit.

"I have twin sisters, I've babysit them a million times, I know what I'm doing." Lily scoffed proudly.

"Well if you could that would be really good." I pleaded to her.

"Of course, maybe I'll even get Lucy and Olivia and maybe Matt to help. We'll go into town in the morning then come and meet you for the show later on." Lily smiled happily.

"Matt huh?" I smiled as I got changed in the living room into my pyjamas.

"Yeah since we broke up we actually got on really well. There's no pressure to be with each other all the time and so we just hang out as friends. It's really nice." She looked happy and I was glad, I guess it was weird lying to her but I knew it was better this way.

"Ah good. I'm glad it's not awkward." I sat beside her and started watching the programme she was watching with her and we just chilled out for a bit before we had to go to bed.

- - - - -

"I'm so glad Tom is okay with this." I laid back, completely undressed except a thin sheet covering certain parts of me up.

"Me too." Matt mumbled kissing at my neck and rubbing my arm gently as I moved closer to him breathing into his shoulder in pleasure.

"You think he's disturbed that he hears us have sex?" I wondered as we just laid there, Matt's arm entwined around my waist as I stared into his eyes and smiled at him.

"Probably but can we stop talking about my roommate after we have sex." Matt moaned uncomfortably. I smiled a little at that and then kissed him gently.

"What are you doing today?" I asked him as he was getting out of bed and slipping his jeans on within a second. We never spent much time in bed together because we didn't want to get caught but when we were in bed it was good.

"I have to hand in my paper for English which you should be doing too. I have to pop home and help my mum with something, then I have work and I'm going out with Tom and the guys later this evening." Matt sighed. Matt got a job at a local pub serving drinks and stuff, i didn't like the thought of him doing it but then how can I stop him?

"Tom and the guys?" I laughed.

"Well I promised that he could hang around with us if he kept our secret. I can't go back on that now." Matt sighed.

"Oh and for the record I handed in my English paper before the last minute deadline like you." I smirked laying back on his bed enjoying being comfortable for once. 

"Alright, well I hate to say it but I got to dash." Matt mumbled sitting on the bed next to me.


"I have to get going and we've basically slept until midday so I really need to start on my to-do list. But I'll see you..."

"Tomorrow I'm going home and so are you." I moaned knowing that it was half term and we were all staying for Saturday but then going home Sunday morning.

"Well I'll see you when we get back." Matt smiled leaning down and kissing me gently before saying "see ya later." And leaving quickly in a rush.

- - - - -

I stayed in bed for a little while and just lazed around his dorm before actually getting dressed. I had nothing to do today except put the paper out for tomorrow.

I knew Lily would be looking for me but I couldn't be bothered to hand out with her today, she's the reason that I can't kiss Matt in public, and I know it's not her fault I just angry sometimes when I've had such a good time with Matt.

"Tom." I squeaked as I stepped out of Matt room around lunchtime.

"Jenna," he said slowly. "You're here the next day as well." He joked a little as I stood awkwardly in Matt's rooms, doorway.

"Yes and you can probably guess why. Anyway...I'm off to the paper I'll see you later." I shuffled across the room and to the door feeling embarrassed even though we cleared this whole thing with Tom.

- - - - -

"I didn't hear you come home last night or this morning." Lily caught me in my office as I was concentrating on correcting typos people had stupidly made.

"I came in when you were asleep." I lied not looking at her as I stared at my computer screen.

"And this morning?" She mumbled sitting down on the chair opposite me and trying to get my attention but I wasn't making eye contact with her I was busy and well, I felt guilty.

"I left early to get to the paper." I smiled glancing at her before turning away and grabbing some papers from behind me and bringing them back to my desk and continued typing.

"Busy?" She asked impatiently.

"Yeah, there was a hiccup in the headline it had to be changed and it set me back." I rolled my eyes still not even looking at her.

"Jen." She groaned.

"That is my name." I said sarcastically still not looking at her.

"Jenna are you avoiding me?" She went serious and leant forward in her chair to get closer to me.

"Of course not." I carried on typing shaking my head as if she'd made a ridiculous mistake.

"Don't act like I'm crazy where were you last night?" Lily suddenly picked up the keyboard and held it on her lap and my face turned into a pout almost instantly as I finally looked at her and saw how panicked she looked.

"My key--boa--" I poured pathetically.

"Will be returned when you tell me where you were." Lily raised her eyebrows like a mum.

"Marty's. We were watching TV and we both fell asleep until quite late and so when I woke up I had to come home at 3am and you were asleep and then I slept for a few more hours and left just before you woke up. Now can I have my keyboard." I explained.

"You were at Marty's on a Friday?" She frowned. "Come on Jen don't say you're trying to--"

"No! Ew no. Lily come on." I moaned.

"It was a guess you're spending nights away, you "fell asleep" I don't know it sounds suspicious to me!" She defended her self as I internally cringed for a little while.

"Well don't guess and give me back my keyboard I'm really busy." I pouted a little bit more until she finally gave in and handed me back the keyboard and I started tapping away again.

In Omnia Paratus (AU) - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now