l. A New Beginning

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~ Harry ~

Its half past six by the time I finally stirred awake, the sheets still clinging loosely around my hips much to my distaste. I hear hushed breathing beside me and reluctantly force myself up to peer at the girl I managed to bed this time.

I studied her face for a few moments and came to the conclusion that she was merely a stranger to me. I understood her name must have been something along the lines of Patricia or Pattie judging by the name that was written on my left forearm along with a set of digits below it.

I grunted and pressed a thumb to the ink, hoping to smear it off before she wakes but she was now stirring in her sleep as well, giving me the signal to leave. I sighed as I stood up; reaching tiredly around for my pants before slipping on what I hoped was my t-shirt. 

I pulled on my dark washed jeans and scurried towards her desk where I presumed my English essay would be. A smirk revealed itself past my current dull look and I immediately took the paper in my hand, my eyes skimming the page quickly as my lips turned upwards into a smirk. It was very well written; of course it would be she’s majoring in English.

 It guaranteed me a grade that would suffice and luckily word of tongue did not surpass even the most intelligent women of my year.

I leave a note by her desk, messily written and short before leaving her dorm room. It must have been pure luck for her roommate to call in late earlier that afternoon.

 I tucked the essay under my arm as I fought against the harsh winds England had to offer, and soon I reached the center of campus; lights shining down the narrow pathways leading to the male dorms but not bright enough to hold me back.

The professors who would catch me in the middle of the night on campus never so much as try to discipline me. In ways they would, but after countless attempts from preventing my late night escapades they’d given up. But their watchful glares never stop; as if they’re waiting for me to screw up.

I manage to sneak past the dormitory adviser who seemed to be getting up to leave. She was a beauty and only once have I seen her come by this wing. She was peaking her thirties when I first brought her into my room; it was very secretive at the time. The only other people knowing were my mates. 

Since then she’s ignored my existence, but I could tell from her narrowed eyes whenever I pass her that she still wants me despite her earlier contradictions. I open the door to my room and glance quickly at my roommate who was currently nestled against his pillow, a bit of drool falling from his lips causing me to look away in disgust. 

''Hey rise and shine Tomlinson.'' I spoke loudly as I pulled back the sheer red curtains, letting the un godly rays shine on my best friend’s face who moaned in annoyance. ''Fucking close the curtains Styles.'' he grunted as he sat up and rubbed at his eyes. ''What the fuck man?'' he looked up at me in displeasure.

''Guess who just got laid last night bro.'' I smirked as I sat opposite of Louis, kicking my feet back in pride as he rolled his eyes. ''I don’t need to hear any of the details mate, but congrats. Is this your tenth this month?'' he leered and shook his head, a dark chuckle coming from his throat as he made his way to the washroom. ''The moment the dean finally decides to start letting girls into Prescott and you’ve already got your muse for the week.''

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