XXIX. The Truth Is

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A/N: I'm officially on spring break! take a moment to vote on this chapter now because it's only the nicest thing to do :) love y'all! xx

~ Harry ~

My eagerness to get this day started was only temporary as I rushed to Ariana's dorm to pick her up. We weren't running late, but I had planned to spend a little extra time with her before class began because evil eyes decided to move her next to Marcel while I was stuck with the she hulk.

The sun had barely risen yet leaving me shadowed beneath its dark orange sky, and I swear it was the earlier I'd ever woken up for Ariana; for anybody really. I glanced down at my watch and muttered incoherent words to myself.

If I'm up at 5:19 am and Ariana refuses to come out London might as well just evacuate. But I'd told her the day earlier about our plans for this morning so there's just that little doubt in my mind that she didn't forget.

Since it was very early, I couldn't just walk into her dorm given her dorm advisor was probably roaming the halls at this time. Ms. D'Costa or Gerty was probably one of the meanest, toughest, most strictest dorm advisers to ever work here in Prescott.

She had the profile of what an ideal soldier would withhold, and I'm sure she treated her entire life and everyone around her as some military camp where she was the Field Marshall and everyone else were Lance Corporals. 

Gerty would surely be awake at this time, and I don't want to risk going down in her bad books; she was not one to mess with.

As I neared Ariana's dorm, I could already see Gerty's large build marching up and down the halls through the tinted windows. Holding my breathe for some unnecessary reason, I tiptoed quickly past the windows and past the front doors and into the tall shrubs and bushes smothering the right side of the dorm.

I cunted the windows I passed by above me. One, two, three, four- This was it, I hoped. I stood up higher and knocked on the glass. Please be awake. Please be awake. I knocked again after a minute of waiting. Maybe she can't hear me.

I gripped the window's ledge and hoisted myself up. Mind you the ledge was rather small and barely half of my ass could really fit on the small space. "Ariana." I whispered against the glass as I knocked on it. "Ariana." I stressed quietly.

"Ariana-" I grunted as I fell backwards, landing on my back on the ground in a mess as Ariana laughed lowly. "Sorry!" She whispered as I sat up and dusted myself off. "Harry was that you?" She asked. 

"Yes." I muttered. "Sorry again." she giggled as she pulled a sweater over her head. "Did you get any sleep at all? You're awful perky for someone who's awake at 5 in the morning." I chuckled as I helped her out of her room.

"Of course I slept, I value sleep more that you think styles; I'm just happy to be with you." she smiled as she reached up for her bag that was sitting on the windowsill. "There's only a selective few I'd wake up at 5 am for."

"And these selective few would be?" I raised an eyebrow at her as she shrugged. "You and a 'everything must go' sale at Topshop." she smiled. "So where are we going?" she asked as I shrugged. "I don't know, I didn't really plan out a location. Maybe we can go out for breakfast or something, like off bounds."

"Sounds good to me and my awfully loud stomach." She pressed her hands against her stomach which was making low rumbling sounds, causing both of us to laugh. "Here." I took her hand and began to led her out of the bushes. "Stay low love, I don't want Gerty spotting us."

"Gerty's a sweetheart." Ariana sighed as I scoffed. "Gerty causes heart papilations, that's what she does."

"You don't like her much do you?" Ariana chuckled as I nodded. "She's the epitome of evil dictator Ari. She hates my guts."

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