LXI. Fucking Rad

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A/N: I was going to wait, but I was like nah. It's like 5 am and I'm feeling more awake than ever so I decided to post the chapter now. Hope you like it :) Vote as well x


~ Harry ~

               I stumbled over my feet and cursed a string of words as I struggled to keep my balance. "Do you really need all of this?" I asked Ariana as I caught up to her. For a girl who didn't have a passion for art, she needed an awful lot of art supplies.

               "Yes. Mrs. Powell said I needed all of this for Monday's class." Ariana said as I nodded slowly, dragging behind now, but closely following her down the aisle.

               It wasn't my ideal way of starting off the weekend but I figured that since I am, after all, with Ariana, I shouldn't really take this opportunity for granted.

               Plus it's also a great way to get more good-boyfriend points.

               "Baby I think you have enough brushes." I told her as I watched her place two sets in my arms, evidently weighing me down.

               "You can never be too prepared." She shrugged as she continued to walk down the aisle. Her hand, resting on the shelf by her side, ran delicately along each label as her fingers interpreted the Braille imprinted on them.

               She'd occasionally get a few titles wrong, which is when I came into good service to tell her what it was, as if I wasn't already of good service already with me holding everything she placed in my touch.

               "And don't worry, I'm nearly done. I did promise afterwards you could film me for your project." she reminded me as I smiled. "The only upside to this whole thing." I chuckled.

               "What, is spending time with me not enough?" She teased as I shrugged. "When I'm unable to kiss you, it kind of is." I told her.

               She shook her head with a small smile on her face as she turned around. I stopped as she came around, a hand on my shoulder as she pushed herself up to her toes as she pecked my lips for not even half a second.

               "There." she smirked before continuing to walk.

               "I expect a real kiss later." I told her as she hummed, tapping the floor from left to right with her walking stick. "Alright." She giggled.

               Eventually she called it quits once she realized she might have gotten too many supplies and together we stood by a shelf awkwardly, me holding up shit and asking her if she needed it and her telling me whether or not she did.

               I sighed in relief, looking at our much smaller pile.

               "I'll go pay for these, you call Alaska." I told her as she burst out laughing. "No way! You call Alaska, and I'll go pay. These are my supplies, not yours. I'm perfectly capable of paying."

               "Fine," I sighed. "But I'll help you bring these to the till."

               "Till?" She questioned.

               "Cashier," I trailed off. "You don't call it a till where you're from?"

               "Not even close." She chuckled.

               "You know, sometimes I forget you're American." I told her.

               I placed her things on the till and watched as the man working the till began to scan her things. After naming the price, Ariana opened her wallet and pulled out a bill that to my surprise was enough for her expenses.

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