XXIII. The Secret Underground Garden

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"Like what a great man once said, let the heart desire like spring waters and love cold as winter breezes but let life be as beautiful as summer flowers and death as beautiful as autumn leaves." 


~ Harry ~

Just one more day Harry; just one more day until you get her all to yourself. But I didn't want to wait. I hated waiting. Something about the concept of having to be patient for an inevitable amount of time just didn't seem to amuse me.

The week went by quickly; days turned to hours and hours felt like minutes, especially when I was with her. However it was unfortunate that I only had one class with Ariana.

I'd see her in between classes though, and usually at lunch, but she had managed to befriend a nice group of people who looked past her one flaw and offered her friendship. Three boys were sat next to her, and two girls by her right.

One I understood was a sophomore; apparently known for his keen interest in having dyed his hair multiple times over courses of months to match his preference. The last two were freshmen, but lacked the mind and bodies of one. They were moderately built, and looked like they couldn't give two shits whether someone taunted them about being freshmen or not.

I'd gotten the privilege to talk to those three once or twice, though they never bothered to bother me. After all, I was feared by many. I didn't recognize the two girls, and I figured they must have either just moved or after meeting Ariana I never felt the need to look for more funtertainment, if you know what I mean.

They were both very attractive, but they didn't seem to radiate the same amount of lust I craved to feel like Ariana did.

I kept my distance from Ariana during school hours. I figured if there was one way I could maintain my title was to limit our relationship to the public eye as much as possible. Of course whenever we were in Sociology or walking together in the hallways, there were a lot of looks sent and received between me and a formidable amount of people.

They would always look away though, knowing not to mess with me.

I'd managed to repress my anger quite substantially, as I visited the gym; now during the day, and at night. Seeing as it was a co-ed gym, I was ogled by a fair amount of women, and men which never phased me. To be honest I loved the attention. It fed the power I already felt.

Sometimes I forget my own strength. I recall sending a fair amount of freshmen to the hospital once when I was a sophomore. Needless to say my sophomore and junior years were my golden years.

Girls, sex and booze became a huge part of my life. I needed any of the three just to soothe the animal I had become. I got into fights, usually just for fun.

I loved the pain. I loved causing it.

Watching them whimper and beg for mercy; orgasmic.  Much like this one ass hole who decided to trip Ariana today- inevitably causing her to fall and spill her lunch on herself, purposely might I add.

For a senior like myself, he was stupid enough to think I would laugh along with him. But no; I merely let him know the time and place, and that if he wasn't there, I would find him and I would deal with him personally.

Which brings us to where I am now; an old park centered near the recreation center here at Prescott- standing just outside the school grounds. Surrounded by wildlife, and rotting with age, it served as a perfect place to handle punks like this guy.

He smelt of sex and desperation; a natural scent to any virgin I've accustomed to come across in my years here. After dark was usually when I'd deal with my personal victims. I could tell I was going to enjoy this one.

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