XIII. Hope

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  • Dedicated to all you sexy mofos out there ;)

~ Marcel ~

“So wait, you said yes?” Despite only being her friend, I still felt rather stunned and hurt that she had agreed to going on a date with Harry. Harry of all people! She could have gone out with Eric in from fourth period for all I cared but Harry? It all seemed too off.

“It’s just a dinner date Marcel.” She sighed as I frowned. “Yeah and a dinner date usually lead to dinner dates.” I emphasized the pluralized word as she sighed again. “You promised you wouldn't be mad.”

“I’m not mad, just frustrated is all.” I mused as she scoffed. “Oh please, I can feel you tense every time I mention Harry and I. You don’t have to be jealous you know, nothing’s going on between us.”

“I’m not jealous! Is it wrong for me to care about my friend?” I raised an eyebrow at her as she shrugged. “I’m not saying it’s wrong to worry, but it is wrong to be ‘frustrated’ with a friend for going on a dinner date with another friend.” She mused as I rolled my eyes. 

“Since when are you and Harry friends?” I asked, remembering how she had told me how he would aggravate her to the point she needed to leave the room. “Since he started being nice to me, that’s when.”

“You’re too easy to please.” I shook my head as she laughed. “Oh you are totally jealous. I don’t even know why you’re jealous but it’s so obvious that you are.”

“Whatever.” I sighed. “So you are jealous.” She remarked as I narrowed my eyes at her. I mean how could I not? Here is the most beautiful girl at Prescott Academy sitting beside me on my sofa, eating popcorn in just a pair of pajama shorts and a Queen shirt.

I like a girl who’s laid back like this; to me this is what true beauty looked like. “What if I told you I thought you were beautiful?” I eyed her questionably as I waited for her answer. “Then I would tell you that you are wrong.”

“Okay, then what if I told you that I care about you?” I added as she blushed. “Then I would tell you I care about you too.” She replied as I smiled. I hummed as I began to play with my fingers. “So then what if I told you that I wanted to kiss you right now?”

Instead of a reply I felt her press her lips to mine, making me chuckle as I kissed her back. “I would tell you that.” She giggled as she pulled away. I felt her rest her head on my chest as she cuddled close to my side. I draped my arm around her small figure and smiled. “Now do have some sort of theory as to why I would be jealous?”

“Yes.” She laughed silently. “And again I ask why you’re so jealous that Harry and I are just friends and have no feelings for each other whatsoever.”

“Well that kiss right there is one answer to that question of yours, also I’m not too fond of the idea of my womanizer of a twin brother taking out my favorite girl out to dinner.” I replied with a slight frown as she sighed. “Hey I’m not too fond of you spending your free time with Cara Marx either but you don’t see me complaining.”

“Yeah because I have no chance with someone like her.” I scoffed. “And you have a chance with someone like me?” Ariana chuckled as I nodded. “Well we did kiss twice already.” I said as I lifted her chin gently and kissed her again. “Three times the charm.” I smirked as she smiled. “And I thought Harry was supposed to be the cheeky one of you two.”

“We’re blood brothers love, the charm comes to both of us naturally.” I teased as she sat up. “Wait so where does this leave us?” she asked quietly. “I mean I’ve known you for the better half of a month now and we’ve kissed like you said three times already.” She trailed off as I shrugged. “What do you want us to be?”

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