XXII. Good Girl

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A/N: mild mature content ahead. follow the official fanfic instagram (@blindfic) I follow back, or follow my main (@harianadimples). Hope you like the chapter :-)

~ Harry ~

I've kept a watchful eye on Ariana for the past hour; just casually watching her every motion, every gesture- somewhat waiting for her to turn and notice me taring. She was quiet for most of the period, keeping herself from speaking by keeping her head down and hand on the page of the book she was reading.

She made no effort to raise her hand or answer questions, unless she was called upon. In fact she avoided speaking entirely. It'd been this way for weeks. Her and Marcel had broken up back in October and now it was nearly December.

The seasons changed and it got colder; including the shoulder Ariana was giving me. 

But she wasn't like this outside of class. I see her in the hallways talking to other people; she had made some friends. But the distant look in her eyes let me know she probably didn't want to be there. 

She talks to some teachers too, but other than that she paid no attention to me or any one else. It proved a great struggle for our project sessions, especially since I had to do most of the talking.

I figured I just reminded her too much of Marcel; physically, I mean we are twins after all. I don't think she was hurting as much as before, she's just protecting herself.

Aside from Ariana's troubles, I had some of my own. Jace doubled his wager, saying if I succeeded I would get one his cars; my pick. For an annoying prick, the kid was well endowed. His parent were part of a long family history of wealthy business entrepreneur; kid's loaded.

The pressure doubled, and I felt like the stress of it all did as well. I already had the boys hounding me for possibly liking her, but now I was hounding myself for even considering it.

But on the other hand I didn't mind; it kept her in my thoughts. It tisfied the weird craving I had inside me,  craving I didn't know I had until I was forced to look next to me and see her just sitting their without so much as a smile or "Hi." being sent to me.

I was so used to her bubbly personality; it seemed like it was now buried, along with any hope left to bring it back. I wanted to see her smile. I don't remember what it looks like since it's been too long. 

I want to hear her again. I want her to speak to me, laugh at something I say; anything. I want her.

I need her to stop doing this to me; making me want her. I need her to stop. I need her.

These thoughts often consumed me to the point I needed some form of release. Apart of going out more often, and sleeping with the odd girl or two, I decided to take up boxing again. The gym was always open during the day, but I would always go at night.

The gym would be empty, quiet, and dark; just how I like it.

I'd throw punches left and right, muttering incoherently to myself as I released any pent up frustration I had.; every punch for every disturbing thought I had about Ariana.

The way her body fit next to mine like a puzzle.

How uplifting it felt to see her smile.

The delightful smell of apples radiating off her long hair.

Her soft, sweet lips.

Her fingers tangled in my hair; tugging, pulling me closer to her body.

I jumped at the sound of the bell rang signaling the end of class. I looked over at Ariana who was quick to put her things in her bag. 

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