LV. An Imperial Fixation

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A/N: Yes I know, John Green inspired title let's move on to the story then. Enjoy and please don't forget to vote :) x


~ Ariana ~

            I bit back my tongue as I nibbled on the ends of my jacket, a habit I attributed when I was a child. Before my article of choice would be my nails but my mum insisted it was unladylike and that I needed to at least find an alternative.

            It usually surfaced when I was nervous or stressed, but at this point in time I was feeling a variety of emotions that 'nervous' and 'stress' couldn't even fathom.

            Harry continued to explicate my options. He was strangely calm, but although he was putting on this facade I knew deep down he was just as distraught as I was.

            Of course my first notion was to immediately agree to stay with him. There was no doubt that I love Harry, and despite all the anger and distress that had been targeted towards me from his so called friends, I denied his participation in their cruel actions and learned to forgive him and care for him.

            I did it once and I could do it again.

            I've learned to ignore them, and this wall I've stood between my conscious mind and their actions has grown stronger than ever before.

            But still I had to be precautious. I understood clearly just how dangerous Harry and his devoted frat were. I knew how people saw them, and I knew what they are capable of.

            I can protect my emotional stability, but yet I was still afraid of what they could do to me physically.

            I had to weigh out the options and come up with a compromise.

            I love Harry was the only thought running through my mind. It was the only thing that mattered really. My love for Harry can surpass any pain they throw at me. Love is the strongest force.

            "Harry I want to stay." I told him.

            He let out a shaky breath as he brought his hand to my cheek. "Ariana, are you sure?"

            "On one condition." I added, removing his hand from my cheek. "I will stay if you leave me alone.

            "W-What?" Harry breathed shakily as I tucked a strand of hair away from my face, another sign that I was a nervous wreck.

            "I mean, I'll stay with you Harry. I love you, and you only. My heart will always belong to you, but if what you're saying is true," I trailed off. "that they'll try to hurt me to hurt you; I can't let them do that Harry."

            Harry remained silent.

            "I will stay by your side through my love for you, but I can't let them hurt you." I said shakily. "Their words can wound me, and so can their actions, but it'll hurt me more if I knew you were hurt. " I frowned.

            "I can handle myself Ariana." he muttered.

            "Harry I know you can, but what if this time is different? What if they get to you? Nothing breaks a soul harsher that one's own demons." I said.

            "So what do you suggest we do?" He asked.

            "I told you I'll stay with you. We'll have to keep us a secret; do what we can to keep it that way. We'll avoid each other during school and if worse comes to worse you can even throw in an insult or two. It'll be just like the first day of school." I breathed as Harry hummed.

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