XVIII. The Unknown

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~ Ariana ~

"Good morning sunshine!" I lifted my head only slightly, only to face plant back into my pillow. "What tie is it?" I mumbled as I kept still. "Nearly eleven." she replied as I groaned. "I don't want to get up."

"Well I'm heading out." Roxie said as she made an awful lot of noise; probably putting on those high heels of hers while doing fifty other things as per usual. "Where are you going?" I asked her. "I don't know, Zayn said he wanted to hang out so I said yes." she answered.

"By 'hang out' do you mean get his 'wang out'" I giggled at my mildly humorous pun as Roxie sarcastically chuckled. "Ha ha very funny. Okay I'm out." she said as I chuckled. "Use protection. Ooh wait when are you going to be back?"

"Late I don't know, why?" she asked. "Just wondering. Have fun, bye." I said as she shut the door behind her. "See ya."

It was always like this. Despite being an understanding and kind roommate, Roxie was never here. The only times I'd actually see her- well speak to her- is right when we wake up and right before we go to bed. She had friends of her own and didn't need me to keep her away from them.

Ring, ring, ring, ring, ring. Someone's calling.

I groaned and reached out for my phone. Damn it where is it?

Answer the phone. Don't keep them waiting any longer.

There it is. I picked up my phone and unlocked it.

Hey you. Hello- "Morning, who is this?" I cleared my throat before speaking as I sat up in bed. "It's me." They remarked as I sighed. "Which twin? You both sound the same you know."

"Yeah, it's me Harry." Harry chuckled as I sighed. "What's up?" I asked him as I got up. Might as well, I'm probably not going to fall asleep anymore. "Nothing really, just wanted to hear your voice." he replied sounding a bit cheeky as he did so.

"On a serious note, a bunch of people are heading over to this pub tonight. I was wondering if you wanted to go. You can bring Marcel if you want." Harry said as I bit my lip. Pubs and I don't really mix. In fact any alcoholic beverage and I don't mix. Me and socializing don't mix.

"I don't know, I'll have to ask Marcel I suppose." I said, still not completely agreeing to go. "Okay well let me know before tonight." he said. "Okay." I replied. "I hope you'll come. Bye babe."

I sighed. "Bye Harry."

I yawned loudly as I ended the call. I rubbed at my tired eyes and sighed to myself as I decided to get ready for the day. I was still a  bit confused as to why Harry's mood towards me had changed. usually he ignored me and averted any contact whatsoever unless it had something to do with school.

Nevertheless I found his gesture with the invitation, thoughtful and kind of him. I walked over to my closet and rummaged through my clothes hung by hangers. A little known fact, ever since I was young my mum- or in this case Roxie- would help me put together an outfit per day for one week.

Then each day would be held by a hanger that is tagged with the day written in braille so all I have to do is find the specific day; each piece of clothing was labelled as well. Each week I would alternate as well, as to keep my style fresh and somewhat appealing.

I found my weekend outfit and scurried into the bathroom to get ready. After freshening up, I changed into the clothes I'd pulled off the hanger which was as far as I knew a black skirt, a navy wool sweater, knee high kitten stockings; mum got them for me last Christmas, these high heeled boots of some sort, and a beanie.

I didn't even know where I was planning on going. Probably to the library to get some homework done for my drama class. Not the best place to study facial expression, but I just didn't want to stay couped up in my room all day. 

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