LXXIV. The Serendipitous Affairs of Two Heartbreakers

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A/N: Smut in this chapter, enjoy :) I swear if this chapter is privated again I'm going to flip (update: IT FUCKING IS OMFG SO THAT'S HOW DIRTY IT IS). This is a filler simply because it was either make it the last chapter or add one or two fillers before doing the actual ending and so yeah I went with the second option. OKAY OKAY please vote :) x


~ Ariana ~

               "He's been gone a while, hasn't he? Shouldn't he be back by now?" I rambled, refusing to enjoy what little of my birthday party was left as I was on edge about Harry abruptly leaving. I nibbled on my nails as I stood up on instinct. "I mean, they just went to talk."

               "Harry can handle himself." Louis paused, "Besides, you should join the other's. It's your birthday after all."

               "But Louis you can't expect me to sit around and do nothing when Harry is somewhere with Noah and his friends." I wasn't too concerned at the time when Noah abruptly demanded that Harry goes with him. It seemed like banter between two men to me.

               Once Alaska explained to me the tension of having five men dressed in all black with black masks on while practically threatening Harry to come with them, I slipped off the edge and my worries returned.

               Harry and I knew something like this would come along. That I would be used as collateral damage to persuade Harry, or to scare him. I don't like being treated this way, like I'm a fragile object that needs to constantly be protected.

               I love Harry, I do, but I don't want our love to be the cause of casualties left and right. I especially don't want to hurt Harry. His pieces are still being glued together and one slip can lead us to starting over, and I don't want that to happen.

               "I don't, but at least stop moping. He hasn't gone off to war you know. He's a smart kid, and he'll be back later. I promise you." Louis reassured me with the best of his abilities, but I was far too gone to really hope for anything other than knowing Harry is safe.

               "Thank you for trying to comfort me Louis, but I'm in no mood to party. I think it's the end of the night for all of us." I said as he let out a sigh. "Alright, I'll go let the other's know." And with that I was left alone with the silence I intended to have.

               It was a nice evening, I must say. I haven't celebrated my birthday with friends like this since the last time I was in the States. I do however wished Harry was here to see the end of it.

               Alaska and Louis were the last to leave, walking with me back to my dorm after we cleaned up the roof, carrying the presents I'd gotten from everyone. I was the least bit excited for this, I felt flattered that they went through so much trouble for tonight.

               "As always, they're not here." I sighed as we entered the silence of my dorm room. I started to enjoy being alone, not to say that Hunter wasn't good company.

               Just being alone in a room and being able to think without Jace screaming insults at me or Hunter awkwardly avoiding conversation or Harry laying his hands on me was quite relaxing.

               "Are you going to open your gifts now or tomorrow?" Louis asked. "By the way whatever Alaska got you it's from both of us. I'm just joking, mine is the large parcel."

               "Thank you Louis, I think I might open them now. I've got nothing else to do." I shrugged as Louis let out a yelp of excitement while he took my arm. With his guidance he sat me down on my bed and placed a heavy object in my lap.

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