XXV. Cracked Mirrors

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  • Dedicated to You of course :)

A/N: This is just a cute little filler chapter. Happy Valentines Day!

~ Ariana ~

As I listened to Harry go on about the properties of a social experiment, I took a moment to fully indulge in the bit of pizza of I had sitting in my mouth. Out of my special request, Harry managed to find a vegan pizzeria that delivered; of course due to school rules he had to wait outside in the cold by the gates for the truck to arrive.

Nevertheless I felt touched that he remembered something so minor as my eating preferences. In the time he was gone, I managed to read over the first three chapters in the book, as well as create and revise my own review notes. 

Unfortunately for Harry, he had to create his own. Don't get me wrong, Harry is quite the intelligent man but when it comes to the ethics of doing your own work on your own by a deadline- he tends to struggle.

"How the hell am I supposed to memorize all this crap by next week?" He groaned as he threw his stapled sheets onto the floor in aggravation. "You don't need to memorize anything, you just have to know the content." I told him as he sighed.

"I can't even imagine how difficult it must be for you." He said as I shrugged. "I've developed my own method of studying and it hasn't let me down yet. It does get difficult but I usually pull through." I smiled as he groaned. "I have the worst memory ever."

"You remembered I was a vegan." I reminded him. "You remember the little things."

"Yeah but knowing you're a vegan is a major contrast to knowing the different types of social experiments along with their strategies, direct demographic, and structure." he sighed as I hummed. "Well, what I find helpful when I want to remember something is relate it something I already know I won't forget."

"What do you mean?" He asked. "Back in the US, we had to learn the names of the states and Id always forget them, so what I decided to do is for each state I'd think of something from there to help jog my memory. Like New York for example; Statue of Liberty, Texas; cowboys, Florida; that one rapper named after that state." I listed as Harry chuckled.

"That one rapper named after that state?" He asked as he tickled me. I pouted and flinched away with a whine. "Hey, I was in fourth grade at the time."

"It's cute. I might actually try that." Harry said as I smiled. "Tell me how it all works out for you."

"Will do. Anyways, how's your studying going? Much productive than mine I expect." He said as I shrugged. "I finished a good portion of the first part of the first section."

"Damn." Harry muttered. "You done eating" He asked as I nodded. "Yeah." I dusted my fingers against a napkin as Harry shuffled with the empty box and our garbage. "I'll go throw this out then."

 I nodded as he left, closing my first pages of notes before turning to a fresh one to start another. "So football season starts up soon." Harry's voice became louder as he approached me again. "American football or football as in soccer?" I asked him.

"American football. I mean in this case it's American football, but soccer season is staring up soon a well but I'm horrid at that." he chuckled. "Anyways as I was saying, football season starts up soon and coach wants the lads to have a meeting on Friday and meetings usually run until fter curfew." he said as I nodded. "Okay."

"I have to go because I'm quarterback." he sighed. "That means I have to cancel our plans on friday." he said as I shrugged. "It's okay with me Harry." I smiled at him reassuringly. "I don't want to hold you back or anything."

"Yeah but I feel bad." he muttered. "I was really looking forward to taking you out somewhere nice."

"Anywhere's nice as long as I'm with you. Besides, I'll probably rehearse with Louis then." I told him as he hummed lowly. "Can't you just hang out with Roxie or something?"

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