XXVI. Come What May

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A/N: Apologies if there's any grammatical and spelling errors :)

~ Ariana ~

One by one everyone filed into class that Friday morning, all seemingly tired yet perky since it was nearly the weekend. "I can't wait until the party tomorrow night bro, it's gonna be sick." Someone speaks particularly loud next to me, and I hurry into class faster.

I was one of the first people to walk into class, and I was surprised to be met by Harry's warm embrace. I could tell it was him by the way he smelt; an odd mix of mint and musk with a dash of daisies, also the pendent crushing my cheek from the grip of his hug let me know a few clues as to who it was. "Sorry I couldn't walk with you to class today." He apologized as he let go of me.

Harry was called into a quick meeting in the morning, for football I presumed and I assured him it was fine, even though it was last minute. I smiled as I slipped my hands into his back pockets. "I told you it was alright, I'm here aren't I."

"I know, I'm just used to it I guess." he said as he moved himself  closer to me. "You know, helping and you and stuff."

"I don't need help Harry." I noted. "And you don't need to help me."

"But I want to help you." He murmured as he kissed my cheek. 

"Keep the public displays of affection to a minimal would you please, Mr. Styles." I nearly jumped out of Harry's embrace as Mr. Johnson walked by us, his booming voice startling me but causing Harry to laugh as he vaguely replied, "Whatever sir."

"I must say I'm impressed at you two for being early to class, especially you Mr. Styles but I'd appreciate it if you'd both take your seats." Mr. johnson remarked as Harry chuckled deeply. "Yes sir." Harry took me by the hand and led us to our seats.

Harry ebing the gentleman he usually was, pulled out my chair and helped me sit down. I thanked him and pulled out my books from my book bag.

Harry and I continued to talk as we waited for the final bell to ring. Tired to the unnecessary space between us, Harry pushed our desks together and held my hand underneath the tables.

He sneaked a kiss or two whenever Mr. Johnson had his back turned to us, but due to them being tiny pecks they had me giggling most of the time. "Stop it!" I begged him as he randomly kissed my nose.

"No." he paused until he kissed me again, this time on my chin. "Are you purposely missing my lips?" I laughed as he kissed my eye. "No, I'm keeping a lookout while sneaking you kisses and to be frank my aim isn't very good."

Another kiss to my cheek later, Harry sighed in frustration. "Can't he just leave the damn room for just one minute?" I smiled and patted his lap comfortingly. "There's always lunch."

"Yeah but that's ages away." he muttered.

At last the final bell rang, and much to Harry's disappointment he was forced to move his desk back to where it was. Since we were doing individual seat work, Harry was forced to not speak to me as well.

But every once in a while I'd feel him rubbing my thigh with his thumb when I assumed Mr. Johnson wasn't looking. I swatted his hand away every time, but he'd only keep rubbing my thigh. Mr. Johnson kept speaking, never losing his stride as his words accompanied the tapping sounds of the chalk against the board.

A tiny squeak broke me from Mr. Johnson's enticing words about the art of the unconscious mind; I recognized his harboured breathing and sighed. "Harry you're not allowed to push your desk next to mine." I whispered.

"Fuck it." he muttered as he pushed his arm between my back and the chair. I sighed and gave up, knowing nothing would change Harry's mind. I really did not want to get in trouble.

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