XII. It's a Date

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~ Harry ~

“Just let me hold that for you.” I reached for the rolls of presentation papers she was carrying, despite our earlier argument before we left that left her rather annoyed. “Harry stop, I got it.”

“Clearly you don’t if you keep stumbling every step you take.” I rolled my eyes as I took them anyways. “Why do we need these anyways?” I asked her as I followed her pace the best I could. “Johnson wants us to bring in a rough copy of the information we have on each other so far.” Ariana explained. “And I think despite it being rough notes we should at least put it together into something eligible for a decent grade.”

I nodded along as we entered the school library. “You know, I can’t imagine the last time I’ve been in here before.” I told her truthfully. “I can’t imagine why.” she said as she took my arm hesitantly. “See any free tables?” he asked as my eyes glared at her hand that was current touching me.

“A few.” Actually nearly every table was filled with students ranging from every year but fortunate enough there was one in the back for two. “Come on.” I began to lead the both of us to the table and tried my best to ignore the questioning glances from everyone in the room.

“What’s he doing with her?” I could hear one whisper to their friend on my left. “Probably his next fuck or something.” Their friend replied as I rolled my eyes.

“I thought she was seeing the other Styles’ kid.” The person remarked as I scoffed. “I know right. What a slut.” I napped my head to the two who suddenly jumped when they realized they had been caught. “What did you just call her?” I asked the one who had called her a slut. “Um nothing- I uh-“he was at a loss for words.

“I uh- I uh- you uh what? Got nothing nice to say about her then don’t say shit at all or I’ll beat your face in, got it?” I glared at him then at his friend as I inched closer to the two. “Y-Yes Harry.” They stammered with a short nod as I turned and continued to walk.

“You didn’t have to do that Harry.” Ariana sighed as I shrugged. “I know; I wanted to.” I said as we reached the table. By then the whole room had returned to what they were doing and decided to ignore Ariana and I after the stunt I had just pulled.

I helped her settle down in her seat before sitting myself in front of her. I unrolled the presentation papers and uncapped a pen I had sitting in my bag.

“What should I put as the title?” I asked her as I tapped the end of the pen against my bottom lip in thought. “Put- ‘Ariana Grande: Reasons why she’s cooler than your average teenage girl’.” She smiled as I chuckled. “Seriously what should I put?”

“Just put my name. And put your name for mine as well please and thank you.” She said as I nodded and wrote down her name at the top of the page then mine on the other sheet of paper. “What info does he need?” I asked her as I made little ticks on the left margin. “Just the basics then a secret you found out about the other person.” She said as I nodded and began to write.

“Name? Ariana Grande. Age?” I looked to her. “Twenty three.” She replied as I write it down. “Born in Boca Raton, Florida, has a mum and a brother, and has three dogs.” I finished as she nodded. “So what’s a secret I don’t know about you?” I asked her. This is going to be good.

“Erm well I don’t know, I’m not a very secretive person.” She said as I sighed. “Come on, there has to be at least one secret about you.” She bit her lip in thought and began to play with the tips of her hair.

“I used to cut.”

I could sense the tension in her sentence as she brought her hands down to her lap. “I uh used to cut.” She repeated as she looked down at her covered wrists in what I could tell was shame, disappointment and embarrassment. Though the both of us couldn’t see the harm she inflicted on herself, I could tell we were both at a loss for words.

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