XXVIII. I'll Love Her Well

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A/N: Take this moment to quickly click that star and vote :) Now breathe in and out, calm yourself. This is a long chapter I rushed to finished so I apologize if there's any speling errors. I'll fix em in the morning. Much love xoxo

~ Harry ~

Dashing, charming, and charasmatic; I'd stooped to a rather low level of generosity while commenting on the attire Louis had changed into for his outting with Megan tonight.

He wasn't the kind of man to go on a date, but needless to how many other phrases he could use to replace the four lettered word, he was going on a date.

I had no thought as to what could possibly have made a dent in Louis' head to make him think I had reasonable fashion advice for him.

I usually dressed in whatever had the least stains on it, probably because most of the dates I've had prior to Ariana usually lead to dessert first rather than dinner. In fact, I had never really made an effort to look good until she came along.

Okay that was a complete lie, but I've been paying much particular attention to my hair recently.

Although Ariana couldn't see what I was wearing or how I looked, I knew for a fact that she adored my hair, which she refuses to admit to. I can feel it in the way she constantly has her fingers tangled in them when we kiss, or even when we're just talking she finds a reason to have them in there.

It's cute, the way she smiles when she does. Her hands were like magic to the touch. I needed to make sure my hair looked en pointe every day. If that meant sneaking into other rooms for their expensive hair products as a substitute to my head and shoulders, then so be it.

Anyways, it was only midday and Louis had opted to wear a pair of dark chinos paired a denim button up. I cringed as he slipped on his denim coat over his shoulders as well; denim on denim, even I know that's a fashion faux pas.

He wore his vans this time which was great, and now he was doing his hair and is checking whether he has anything in his teeth. Hopefully his pretty face will draw the attention away from his fashion disaster.

I'd warn him about the denim on denim but Louis has been a real dick lately, so I might as well return the favour. His jokes about Ariana were getting old, and to be honest not funny at all.

"Done." he muttered, fixing the bit of hair by his neck as he stepped away from our full length mirror. "How do I look?" he asked as he twirled around to face me. He had a nervous smile on his face as he ran his hands down his body. "I look like an asshole, don't I."

I gave him a look as I shook my head. "You can't act like something you already are. Trust me mate, you look fine." I told him as I covered my mouth with my hand to block the laughter just fighting to escape. "Why are you so worried bro, you're usually pushing past barriers for an easy fuck."

"Don't say that about her." Louis barked as I raised an eyebrow at him. "Alright." I trailed off as Louis sighed.

"I mean she's smokin' you know? I don't want to fuck it up." he shrugged as he grabbed his phone and wallet. "Well when you two go see that new horror film and she ends up sitting in your lap the whole time you might as well." I smirked.

"Jesus fucking Christ Harry- okay, I'm leaving." Louis chuckled as he shook his head, making his way to the door to leave. "I'll be back late." he said. "Don't bother staying up."

"Bye." I waved at him as he shut the door behind him. As soon as he left I ran towards our lrge windows and peered outside. Reasonably good weather today for a Sunday. The wind seemed fairly breezy, the sun was out and of course there were a few clouds out as well.

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