XL. Love Beneath All

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A/N: Vote before you read, please :) Importantish note at the end too btw please read itt x


~ Harry ~

It was nearly curfew by the time Ariana and I left her house. To be honest I was reluctant to leave; being surrounded by such love made me envious of what they had.

Sure I had a mum, a sister, and a stepfather who all cared about each other but nothing we had compared to this family. Ariana and I in a sense came from broken homes; our mothers worked four hours, our siblings had their own thing going on, and I rarely ever saw my stepfather.

We were both alone really, but at least her family manages to acknowledge her existence without having to visit them.

I've seen Ariana smile before, but the smile she has on her precious face when she was around her family was unconditional and I knew none of my love could ever replace that.

I felt accepted by her family. They weren't very judgmental people at all, they were kind and sweet; much like Ariana.

I was so used to seeing so much bad that I'd forgotten about the good in the world.

"That was nice, wasn't it?" Ariana asked as she tapped her fingers along the dashboard. "Yeah it was. I don't know what I was even afraid of." I rolled my eyes, knowing she was trying to coax the Truth out of me.

"I hope I haven't scared your family away with my hideous body." I joked.

"I don't think you did. My mom told me that she likes you and that you seem like an interesting character."

"Your mom likes me?" It was just so odd hearing it without an I was kidding at the end.

"Yeah, and my mom doesn't say that very often. Why do you think it took me twenty three years to get a boyfriend?"

"I thought... never mind." I was about to say that I assumed it was because she was bullied so frequently for being different, but I knew saying that would only lead to a catastrophe.

"She just didn't want me getting hurt, I think. I know what you were going to say, and I think my mom just doesn't trust anyone anymore after... Anyways, she does like you." She smiled reassuringly as I raised an eyebrow at her.

She had begun to say something else when she switched the subject. After what? I thought to myself as I drove off.

"Ariana can I ask you something?" I had to ask her now, before the curiosity killed me. "What is it?" She asked as she leaned back in her seat.

"What do you remember about your dad?" I asked her, and by the sharp intake of breath she took I had struck a soft spot. "Why do you ask?" She asked slowly.

"The photo of your dad, he was holding you in the photo and you said he walked out on you when you were born." I said.

"That's what my mum told me." She sighed. "The photo was taken before he left I guess."

"Okay, just wondering." I hummed to myself as I dug deeper in my mind where I had seen those tattoos before. Something about Ariana's father seemed so familiar to me, which was weird because I don't recall seeing him before.

Now more than ever it felt like her mum was hiding something from me; no parent would look at someone like me and not initially think I would be perfect for their daughter. She was hiding something huge I believe, and it has everything to do with Ariana.


The next morning was like any other day in London; gloomy, wet and disgusting. Not only that, but not one person was left on campus because everyone had returned home for the holidays.

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