XVII. Getting Warmer

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  • Dedicated to the hariana shippers

~ Harry ~

"Top three movies?" I bit my lip in thought as I scrounged my mind for three films I liked that were more or so masculine. "Um Fight Club, Rocky, and the Terminator." I replied as Ariana nodded. "Okay then. Top three songs you listen to everyday?" she asked as I tapped my thumb against the steering wheel.

"Chocolate by The 1975, Little Bird by Ed sheeran, and lately any Artic Monkey's song." I answered. "So what's the deal with with the top three stuff?" She'd started asking questions immediately when we left the bowling alley. With her drink in hand she took sips in between  her queries.

"I don't know, I'm bored. So top three chick flicks?" she shrugged off my question and from my silent response poked my side with a small smile on her face. "Come on you can tell me. Don't be embarassed."

"I'm not into chick flicks." I lied as she scoffed. "Bull. Everyone loves chick flicks or have a mild guilty pleasure towards them. I pity your love life if you really don't."

"For your information my love life is perfectly fine. How about your worry about your own love life instead of mine." I protested gripping the wheel tightly as she burst out laughing. "And who of the two of us is currently in a relationship?"

"That doesn't change anything. I've still been with more girls than you with boys." I smirked as she sighed. "How many of those girls were even your girlfriend?" she said as I shook my head. "That doesn't matter."

"It kind of does. Sleeping with a lot of women isn't an accomplishment to be proud of." she said as I rolled my eyes. "That's what virgins say to make themselves feel better." I said, chuckling a bit.

"You're laughing now but wait until you have a daughter of your own who becomes some boy's number three." she pointed out as I glared at her and I sighed. "Touche."

"Now come on, fess up. Top three chick flicks." she said while sipping her drink. "Fine, Jesus. I uess The Notebook, Titanic, and Love Actually." I replied as she smiled, giggling as she put her drink down. "See that wasn't so hard, was it?"

"I officially have no dignity left." I sighed. Even though I wouldn't admit it, I felt as if a weight had been lifted off my chest. If anything I watched more chick flicks on a basis, more or so because growing up my sister would drag me to see whichever was playing at the theater.

"You'll live. Now top three things you like in a girl. And when i say top three thing you like in a girl I don't mean any relation to her breast size, ass size or how good she is in bed." It was eerily creepy how she had listed off the three things I was about to say.

I sighed as I gave her my alternate answer. "Eyes, smile and sense of humor." three of which Ariana clearly did not lack, well almost. "Cute, okay last one. Top three places you'd like to visit and why."

"Germany because of the people, France maybe because of the scenery and definitely sweden because of the people and scenery." I said as she nodded in agreement. "What I wouldn't do to see what France is like."

Sometimes it was difficult for me to remember that she was completely cut off from the world, view wise. she wouldn't be able to see what I see or experience what I experience and to be frank it was very disheartening to think about. I knew I was only playing this girl, but knowing her only dream is probably to be able to see made me feel a pinch of pity for her.

"We're back." I said as I pulled into campus.

Ariana nodded and unbuckled herself. I turned off the engine and stepped out, closing my door quickly before making my way to her side. I helped her out and locked my car before directing her to the earlier passage we took to get out.

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