XV. Undecided Actions

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~ Harry ~

“How do I look?” with my hands placed on my hips I gave Louis and Niall a spin, letting them inspect what I was wearing. “Like you’ve lost your mind.” Louis shook his head in disappointment as I sighed and dropped my arms. 

“Drastic times call for drastic measures.” I shrugged, picking at the tips of my gelled hair as Niall nodded shortly. “Maybe, but dressing like Marcel really exceeds the limit.” He said. “But the fact that you two are twins really helps.” Louis added as I smiled. “Exactly.”

“So let me get this straight, you’re going to start spending time with Ariana as Harry but you’re also going to spend time with Ariana as Marcel? How in the world is that going to work out if the real Marcel is dating her and around her twenty four seven. I doubt he’ll appreciate the fact you’re pretending to be him to get closer to Ariana.” Niall gave me a look as I rolled my eyes.

“I’ve got it all planned out.” I said as I reached under my bed and pulled out my journal. “I wrote it down in here.” I said, flipping through the pages to find the page where I had written my notes down. “Okay, so basically while I am Marcel I’ll be- like you said- getting close to Ariana; it’ll be much easier now that ‘we’ are dating. As for Marcel, I got Cara to put her acting skills to use by getting Marcel to fall for her instead of Ariana.”

“That’s stupid. It’ll never work.” Louis shook his head. “I agree, maybe Marcel will forget about Ariana but what are you going to do when she starts talking to Marcel about what ‘they’ did together one night and he’s totally confused? Like what if she figures out that you’re not really Marcel? It’ all too confusing mate.” Niall shook his head. “Then it’s a good thing she’d blind, huh.” I said as he sighed.

“Look, ever since we were in high school Marcel has dreamed of attending some rich school for the gifted- in Australia. When he didn’t get accepted he got crushed.” I explained as Louis and Niall looked at me in confusion “What does that have to do with anything?”

“When we visited Cheshire over the weekend last week, Marcel got a letter from the school. They want him to attend some special program during second semester.” I said as Niall nodded inquisitively. “And he talked to my mum about it and he said he’s going to do it and I’m pretty sure he hasn’t told Ariana yet.” I smirked as Louis shook his head. “This is sick.”

“It gets even better.” I said as I closed my book. “Harry is moving to his grandparent’s place in Ohio and going to school there because his mum wants him to spend time with his father’s side of the family..”

“You’re literally the mot stupidest person I have ever met.” Louis groaned. “And Cara?” Niall asked. “She’s going to try to win Marcel over.” Niall pointed at me as I nodded. “Yup she’s going to try to win me over and I am going to politely reject her while also proving that I love Ariana with all my heart.” I smirked at myself proudly as Niall slowly began to clap.

“Not sure if I completely understand this plan of yours but bravo for presentation.” He said as I bowed cheekily. “What an interesting loop hole you’ve found, Styles. I must admit I’ll applaud you for that.” Louis said as he clapped too.

Jace said I had to make Ariana fall in love with me by the end of the year. He didn’t say anything about Ariana falling in love with me while I’m Marcel.


“Hold on. Repeat.” I groaned as I glanced over at Liam and Zayn who looked more confused than ever. I had just finished explaining to Niall and Louis my ingenious plan, and now it was their turn though it didn’t seem like we were going anywhere.

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