XLII. Nice Guys, You Can't Trust Them

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A/N: Please vote :) thanks babe

~ Harry ~

I looked between Ariana and this so called Noah Hawkings with an inquisitive look. Noah seemed to share the same expression, whereas Ariana seemed to have an empty look on her face, mixed with confusion and happiness.

"What are you doing here?" She asked him happily as he limped forward. "My mom got transferred and I applied for Uni here. H-How are you Ana Banana? I thought you lived with your mum?"

Ana Banana?

"I'm doing good. And I live on campus; I'm just staying with a friend for the holidays."


"Cool, well I live next door. I must admit I didn't expect to see you, you're looking great. I'll give you my number and we can catch up." He grinned as she blushed and pushed him away slightly. "Oh stop It Noah."

I cleared my throat loudly and wrapped my arm around Ariana's shoulder. "Babe I think Noah was wanted to know something."

"Oh yeah, could I get directions to the nearest Tesco's? I'm not too familiar with the roads yet." Noah explained as I grunted. "You've got a phone, Google it."

"Harry! Excuse him, today's been a busy day. Harry?" Ariana gripped my arm and pursed her lips. "Fine." I grunted as I took out my phone.

As I searched the location for Noah, Ariana and him launched into another conversation, completely ignoring my existence. I was already distasteful of Noah, he was far too friendly. Friendly people in general not only annoyed me but made me want to punch the smile of their faces. With the exception for Ariana of course.

But I must say it stung being referred to as a 'friend' than 'boyfriend'. I'm sure she meant well though, I mean just a few minutes ago we pretty much proved that we weren't 'just friends'.

 I smiled at that little known fact and looked back up at Ariana and Noah. My small proud moment was however shot down when Ariana giggled at something Noah had said. But it wasn't a forced giggle or a yeah friends you and I yeah giggle but it was a giggle-giggle.

I cleared my throat loudly causing Noah and Ariana to avert their attention back to me. "Um, there's one a couple streets down Queensway." I explained to him, pointing at the general direction of the street. "It's pretty big so you can't mix it."

"Oh okay, thanks mate. I guess I better go then, still got to fill up the fridge." He said as I smiled bitterly. As he went to leave, he turned back to Ariana and tapped her arm. "Hey, call me some time. Let's catch up. For real."

"Yeah sure." Ariana smiled as she crossed her arms and leaned against me. 

"Thanks again uh Harry?"

"Yeah, bye." I shut the door and locked it before glaring at Ariana.

Of course she did not realize this as she walked away, rubbing her stomach. "I'm starving, what are we having for dinner?" She asked as I scoffed. "Why don't you ask Noah, Ana Banana."

"Don't even start." she shook her head.

"You were flirting with him right in front of me! He fucking gave you his number to catch up and you were giggling and all this bullshit, of course I'm going to fucking start." I yelled.

"I wasn't flirting with him. He's my friend." she sighed.

"And don't get me started with the fact you didn't even mention I was your boyfriend." I rolled my eyes. "Apparently I'm just your friend."

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