LXX. Stand Here and Burn Into My Skin, Your Lips Feel Like Home

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A/N: Best day of the week because friday's mean no school tomorrow and a Blind update. Genuinely excited to post this one because MATURE CONTENT AHEAD, let that be a sliver of imagination for you. Vote and enjoy, love u! xx


~ Harry ~

               "Harry, what is he talking about?" Ariana's amnesic tone and absentminded touch that twisted my body to face hers in a statue-like trance, tore me away from Jace who had entered the nurse's office.

               His words lacerated every immaculate thought I had conceived; every confidence I had walled up against him as for a second he had me questioning my trust in my own brother. I put my full faith in Marcel, who not only shared the same face as me but the same blood.

               Jace had a gift for puppeteering, carrying useless lies through his woeful words to try and form his own sort of twisted story. He knew now with the power he had that his words could control the sequences of events for the days to come.

               "I don't know." I told her, not realizing my words didn't bear much comfort at all.

               I did not know if his accusations bore any minimal truth, and if anything I didn't believe him at all. But I kept it strictly in that tenacious space of 'most likely but hopefully not's' the possibility of it being Marcel who had told him the entire truth.

               After all, Marcel was one of very few of who first knew about Ariana and I.

               Between Marcel and Louis, I wasn't too sure who I trusted more. Given Marcel had the title of being my twin brother, he should have been the obvious choice, but Marcel had the motive to do something like this against me and it wouldn't have been the first time.


               Liam looked toward me and smirked. "I caught this fucker practically fucking Cara Marx behind the social sciences department building." My glare hardened on Marcel who looked away immediately, while Louis chuckled lowly and shook his head.

               "You did what?" I glared at him in resentment as he gulped. "I-we had our clothes on." he trailed off, mumbling his words as I stood up. "Kid was practically eating her face too." Liam added as Marcel started to back away. "Three weeks." I muttered, grabbing his collar. "Three fucking weeks, you're in a damn relationship and you fucking cheat on her?"

               I was infuriated; Marcel was the last person I'd expect to do this to anyone. And Ariana; she was the only person on my mind right now. Just thinking about her and how she spoke so highly about Marcel and their relationship; how he treated her right- bullshit. 

               "Oh don't act like you wouldn't do the same'; you're not some saint." He remarked. "What did you just fucking say?" I turned back to him as he scoffed. "Ariana- she's nice, a lovely girl, but Cara? You know I've had a crush on her since we were freshman's here; she's fucking hot and I'm not going to pass up the opportunity of being with the hottest girl at Prescott." 

               "Ariana is-" I was breathing heavily as I approached him again. the only thing I wanted was to feel my fist digging into his pretentious ass smirk. I wanted to yell at him; tell him that he just potentially made the biggest mistake of his life; that Ariana was more than that, but I cleared my throat as I grabbed him by his shirt again. "You don't fucking deserve Ariana." I spat as I pushed him away.

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