XXXVI. Girl I Adore You

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A/N: Vote please :) Sorry for any spelling errors. Like 'nd' instead of 'and' smh.

~ Harry ~

"Don't do that." Louis muttered. I glanced up from my book and sighed. "Don't do what?" I asked. "Ignore me." he said.

To be fair I was just being quiet. There really wasn't much else to talk about. Now that Louis had gone soft on me, it was hard to hate the guy.

One word from my mouth, and I'll end up talking to him for hours instead of studying.

It'd only been one day since our first conversation that didn't end up in one of us storming off in annoyance. Since then Louis has been more eager to know how I was doing while I on the other hand remained to myself.

It had given me time to think and question myself why Louis of all people would suddenly care about me and Ariana. Last I remembered he was one of the many people taunting her and calling her revolting names.

There was an underlying layer of trust beneath my doubts, but I couldn't take any chances.

"I'm not ignoring you. I'm just trying to study." I told him.

"I can help." he suggested.

"I don't need your help." I shrugged.

"Look man, I don't know what I did wrong. I'm just trying to look out for you bro." he mused. "As your best friend I figure it's my duty to actually care."

"Why?" I asked quietly.

"Why what?" he asked.

"Why do you suddenly care? I pretend to hate her and you have no problem calling her a whore or a bitch but now that you know I care about her you suddenly resent everything you've said?"

Louis looked at me with a frown. He placed his open book next to him on the bed and sat up against the wall. "These past few months have really opened my eyes H. I'm not the same guy anymore; I was acting, just like you."

"How do I know if you're telling the truth?" I asked him uneasily. 

"Look at me. Am I lying to you?" he pointed to his face and glared at me.

"Whatever man, I have to study." I returned to my original position; upside down just far off the bed with the book open to face. Louis sighed and lifted his book back into his lap.

Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring I peeked over my book and watched as Louis picked up his phone. "Hello?"

He smiled and shut his book. "Hey." It wasn't his usual hey; in fact he seemed so elated that the person had called him that he completely forgot I was in the room with him.

"I miss you too." he cooed. "Nothing, just studying." he paused as his eyes widened. "I'll be right over. Yeah, okay babe." he chuckled as he hung up.

"Going somewhere?" I raised an eyebrow at him. He quickly stuffed his sheets into his book messily and shoved the rest into his bag. "Yeah." he nodded mindlessly as he struggled to pull his shirt over his head while pulling his jean on.

"What's her name?" I asked him in amusement as he continued to struggle. It must be that girl he was talking about last night.

"Oh um it's-" he was cut off by his phone ringing again, this time signaling a text. His face twisted as he pulled out his phone. "Shit I gotta go." he muttered, quickly putting on his shoes before grabbing his bag on his way out the door.

The door slammed shut, startling me as I looked up from my book to see Louis long gone. It was moments like these I found most pleasurable.

I sighed to myself as I continued to read. I valued my education on the rarest occasions. I always felt like I had something to prove and that motivated me to start doing better.

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