XI. Desperate For Love

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~ Harry ~

I scowled as I pushed past Louis. “Admit it Harry, you know you’re going to lose this bet.” Louis continued to address as I rolled my eyes and scoffed. “Just because that fucker kissed her doesn’t mean I’m at a loss. I still have the next eleven or so months.”

“Not if he asks her out.” Louis remarked. “Yeah, like he would have the courage to ask her out.” I scoffed. “I’m just saying mate, maybe she just not that into you.” He shrugged as I grimaced. “Impossible, I’m easy to love.”

“Perhaps but it’s even harder to be loved.” Louis remarked as I sighed. “Whose side are you even on?” I asked him angrily as I raised both his hands. “Hey, I’m not choosing any sides. What you and Jace have going on is completely idiotic and useless. From what I see either way he’ll end up being the king of the frat whether you and I like it or not. We’re graduating this year Haz, don’t waste it all on a stupid bet.”

“It’s not a stupid bet when my ass and reputation is on the line.” I muttered as I mindlessly shoved my books under my bunk. “This is important to me Lou; a little confidence boost would help every once in a while.”

“You don’t need a confidence boost H, you need some fucking therapy.” He chuckled as I rolled my eyes. “Look, I can do this alright. I’ll win her over. Once I get her she won’t even remember his damn name.”

“Yes, treat her like an item Harold, that’ll get her.” He mused sarcastically as I punched his arm with the side of my fist. “Yeah fuck you Louis. I wouldn’t be talking if I were you.”

“And what is that supposed to mean?” he raised an eyebrow at me as I scoffed. “Oh please, you’ve got the sex drive of a dog in constant heat. And you say I treat women like items.” He grimaced and forcibly pulled his glare away from me as he sighed. “Yeah fuck you too.”

“Exactly.” I smirked as he rolled his eyes. “Doesn’t change the fact you’re still fucked though.” He added as I groaned. “I know but I have a plan.”

“If your plan is to kidnap her or something you better think of a new plan.” He seemed to joke although I think half of his words were true. “Of course not, mine is even better.” I told him. “Do tell.” He rolled his eyes as I smirked.

“Okay so basically, this is what I’m going to do.”

~ Ariana ~

I giggled as I felt Marcel pepper kisses along my shoulder. “Stop it!” I begged, trying my best to avoid his ticklish lips. “No, not until you make me some of that lemon meringue pie you’re apparently an expert at making.” He whined as I groaned.

“Marcel we have a paper for Sociology due tomorrow and I haven’t even started yet.” I told him as I pouted. “So what, I’ll do it for you then. Just make me some of that pie.” He groaned as I shook my head. “No way, I would never let you do that even if my life depended on it.”

“You’re so persistent today to do work aren’t you Ms. Grande.” He mused as I sighed. “If only I had the intelligence of someone like you, I’d probably be able to make pies for everyone at this school.” I emphasized as I ran a hand through my messy hair.

“How about this, I’ll help you with your essay if you make us pie for dinner.” He suggested as I felt the pressure of his chin on my shoulder. “How does that sound love; compromise?”

“Oh fine.” I hummed as he chuckled and pecked my cheek. “Correct answer.”

I sighed as I allowed Marcel to lead me to the table where he had already set my laptop and books on, along with a two chairs in front for the two of us. The sweet smell of tea satisfied my senses as he sat us both down.

“Title of your paper?” he asked as I shrugged. “My friend is an ass hole and is doing my paper for me just so I’ll make him pie.” I suggested sarcastically as he let out a booming laugh. “Ha-ha very funny; but seriously, title.”

“The Effects of Media in Society.” I answered as he let out an audible smile, one I knew was probably dimpled and filled with sarcasm as he spoke my title out loud.

For the next two hours he typed every word I said; literally. The amount of times I scolded him for typing a snide remark like when I told him I needed the loo; he was getting on my last nerve.

Normally I wasn’t this stressed, but given that it was my first paper of the year had me a bit on the edge of things. Fortunately Marcel was a good companion in my time of need. Eventually he finished and out of nowhere panted a kiss on the corner of my mouth. “A victory kiss because now I get pie.” He said as I rolled my eyes.

Ever since he’d given me my first kiss, we’d grown significantly closer to one another and in Marcel’s case he’d grown significantly open and confident. Sometimes he’d leave a small kiss on my neck, or he’d kiss my cheek as often as I’d allow him. I adorned this, mostly because it felt so comforting in a way and yet so harmless.

He wasn’t the shy Marcel I first met two weeks ago, he was now Marcel; quite possibly my favorite person in the entire world next to Johnny Depp. 

“Alright.” I sighed as I pushed myself out of my seat and made my way into the kitchen. After deeming himself as my official assistant, he helped measure and add the ingredients into the bowl. “Which bowl do I put the lemon zest in love?” He asked as I hummed. “The red one.” I told him as he nodded. “Thanks hot stuff.” 

I turned a little and allowed my cheeks to run its course as I giggled. He’d begun pulling cheeky compliments out of nowhere as well, though I presume they might have been caused by the little comment I made about my overall appearance during a particular rough day.

“Can you stop doing that.” I pouted as he chuckled. “Stop what?” he asked, so innocently that I felt like holding him close just to cry. “Calling me hot stuff.” I told him. “Why should I, I thought you said everyone has a right to voice their opinion and in my opinion you’re the hottest girl on this campus.” He mused as I sighed.

“Yeah, you must have me confused with the few hundred other girls who go her.” I murmured as I continued to whisk at the bowl in my hands. 

“If your definition of hot is a woman who harbours a fake personality as well as changes themselves to meet the expectations of society then you’re not hot at all Ariana.” He muttered as I blinked a few times. “You’re fucking beautiful.”


Giggity Giggity Goo. Early update because I'm done school for 2013 *partying intensifies* which also means faster updates because now I have more time to write and not worry about course work *updating intensifies*. You can now keep up to date with updates on the #blindfic tag on instagram! Hope you enjoyed this chapter, thank you for reading :) Much love!

100+ Reads / 20 Votes for  update numero dos

- Abigail xx

(ps. stay beautiful)

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