XXXII. Light in the Horizon

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  • Dedicated to my readers : sorry for not updating yesterday xx

A/N: as always, please vote :)

~ Harry ~

"Shit, I'm so fucking screwed." I muttered to myself as I flipped the page of my notes, not caring where it landed.

The stress of finals week had finally affected me as my first exam was right around the corner. Ariana's help could only go so far in terms of knowing the content.

Honestly I was shitting myself knowing that if I didn't pass this exam or any of my other exams I could very well have to make up for it by doing an extra year.

I'd made a considerable effort so far in the year. I did okay on tests; not nearly coring as high as Ariana but she was a genius like Marcel and Marcel didn't even need to try.

I knew Ariana worked hard to get to where she was and I was proud of her for it. If only I could say the same about myself. I felt like I've copied more homework off Ariana in just a week than I have my entire life.

She never knew , due to the fact she couldn't see me peeking at her sheets while we did our work in class. But now that I sat beside Cara who just like me probably copied off of Marcel the whole semester, I was ultimately fucked.

I was alone in my room. I thought the absence of everyone and everything would suffice my studying methods but I was merely freaking out in my room alone.

After having to put Ariana through the torture of lunch detention, I felt immensely guilty and offered to treat her out on  date once exams week was over.

She happily agreed to my plans and still insisted that this noon didn't really matter.

But it did.

I adored her understanding; it was something no one in their right mind would do in a situation like that. I appreciated it, but she shouldn't have been understanding.

She was struggling to, I could see it in the way she'd always tense every few minutes while we were sat on the cold linoleum floors. But she did it for me.

After the whole incident we carried on to our last two classes of the day like nothing happened. I kept the bandana, knowing how much it smelled. 

But our clothes still smelt of the pungent odor of marijuana which raised rumours about us doing weed together. A lot of looks were sent and returned, and a few arguments on my behalf were started just to stand up for Ariana.

I didn't care about what they said about me. They could take their hatred out on me all they want, create rumours about me all they want; but I'll never allow them to harass my Ariana.

After school we studied for Sociology together or nearly two hours, before Louis barged in with his mum in tow. He greeted us both quietly while his mum yelled at him to hurry up.

He grabbed a few books and stuffed them into a bag before leaving. The usual nuisance Louis usually brought to the aura of my life was gone for now as he was sent home with his mum. 

A few minutes later, Ariana announced her leave. She needed to study for her other classes, and likewise with myself.

I kissed her soft lips and hugged her tightly before letting her go. I leaned against the door frame and watched as she made her way down the hall. No one dared to go up to her and say a word.

They knew I was standing there and they knew what would happen if they so much as laid a finger on her.

And now here I was, well into the night and practcally tearing my room apart with how stressful these last minute notes were making me. Ariana thought it would be hilarious to mention last minute we had to know all the dudes we learned about in the course right down to their bones.

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