XXXVII. The Seductress and The Seductee

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A/N: Vote before you start reading! Sorry for any spelling errors, my keyboard is being annoying and weird. 

~ Harry ~

I yawned as I scratched my forearm, checking the time on my watch as my eyes drooped lower and lower.

I was leaning against the wall with my foot over the other, the wall serving its purpose as a stilt for my heavy head.

I got zero sleep last night, and I just wanted the day to be over. I had just finished my final exam of the week, and was now waiting for Ariana to finish hers.

I had no idea how the drama exam worked since it wasn't a regular subject you could really truly study for, but she was taking longer than expected.

I understood her exam had two sections, one written and one performance, which is supposed to be a scene from some Act she was assigned. I knew this because Louis was half the reason I was up all night.

He forced me to go over his lines with him for countless hours. He didn't bother reviewing the written section of the exam, saying it was just a bunch of bullshit he'd be able to know five minutes before the exam.

On the other hand Ariana was the exact opposite, who after doing her laundry immediately started reviewing everything and eventually kicked me out of her room for being too distracting.This lead to me visiting Marcel who as no less different.

And now here I was, still waiting for her to finish the exam. In celebration of the end of finals, I was planning a party to be held this Saturday. The details were still vague, but I wanted to celebrate a successful firt semester with my girl by my side.


I looked up from my watch and chuckled. "Hey Marcy."

"Don't call me that, no one calls me that anymore." he groaned. "So what are you doing?" he asked as he played with the strings of his shoulder bag.

"Waiting for Ariana." I told him. "Yeah she's got drama with Louis so I figured I'd wait for both of them." 

I yawned for what felt like the hundredth time. Rubbing at my tired eyes I felt Marcel's eyes burn holes into me as he looked at me worriedly.

"Are you okay?" he asked. "Your eyes look red; like you've been crying or something."

I gave him a warning look, causing him to gulp. "Which is impossible because you never cry."

"I'm just tired." I told him the truth. Marcel looked between the doors leading to the drama room, then back at me. "I see, well I better go. I think Ariana's done her exam." He said, just as the doors opened.

A few students walked out, one of them including my very adorable girlfriend. Marcel took her presence as a sign to leave, and sent me a smile before walking off. 

"Hey cutie." I greeted Ariana with a toothy grin as she stopped and turned to face me. "Harry?"

"The one and only." I smirked. She giggled and followed my voice, walking up to me with her bag and stick in hand. "What are you doing here?" she asked.

"What, I can't come and wait outside my girlfriend's class for her to finish her exam so I can take her out to lunch?"

"All I heard was blah blah blah lunch. Too be honest I missed breakfast so I'm quite hungry." She chuckled as she rubbed her stomach.

"Ms. Grande!" I looked at her in mock shock.

"I woke up late and didn't have time!" she protested defensively. I pulled her closer to me and kissed her nose. "Well now you do, so what do you say about joining me off campus for some lovely vegan food and perhaps a walk in the park?"

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