lV. I Got a Bad Boy I Must Admit It

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~ Harry ~

I cringed as I leant down towards my bed, carefully peeling off my top before slipping under the warm covers. I sighed in bliss as warmth covered my body, a smile gracing my lips as I tucked the sheets under my chin.

Ring ring

The sound of ringing filling my ears had me falling out of bed with a loud grunt as my body came into contact with the carpeted flooring. My head didn’t have much luck and I groaned as I rubbed the back of my head where the hard wood of my night table had most likely dented it.

''Why the fuck is your alarm so damn loud?'' I glared at Louis who had rolled out of bed in annoyance as he turned off his alarm. ''Because, it’s only way to wake your fat ass up.'' He smirked as he stood up. I rolled my eyes and fell back onto my elbow, sighing deeply as I ran a free hand through my greasy hair.

''You look like you just got ran over by a truck. What happened last night bro?'' Louis asked as he began to get ready like he usually would. I didn’t feel like explaining last night events and just proceeded to stand up and get ready myself, ignoring Louis’ attempts into getting me to talk.

''Nothing happened Louis, just forget it.'' I sighed. ''Is it Cara?'' I froze in place, dropping the dark pair of trousers I had in my hand. ''No. What makes you think it’s about her?'' I asked.

“So it is about her.” he smirked. “You know mate, she’s not even worth your time.” 

“I don’t want to talk about this right now Louis.” I glanced up at him, tossing a pair of socks at his back. “We dated for a while then we broke up, simple as that.”

“Yeah if a while means four years.” Louis scoffed. “It’s not even about her Louis, can you just fucking drop it.” I snapped. Louis shrugged as a low sigh came from his parted lips. “Whatever you say mate.”

Louis knew better than to ask me about Cara. It wasn’t necessarily a horrible topic to bring up during small talk but it was a rather touchy subject on my behalf. Cara and I first started dating during the summer of senior year in high school. 

It first started with small looks and cheeky conversations; by then we realized that our friendship wasn’t going in the direction it was supposed to, and so we decided to become friends with benefits. As a young lad entering University, it worked surprisingly well especially when it came to being accepted into fraternities.

It seemed a little heartless but Cara was my ticket into the most popular fraternity at Prescott. While Cara attended a mixed University in London, I was doing my studies here at Prescott. The lead fraternity had overheard my ingenious reputation with Cara who was needless to say extremely stunning and gorgeous for her age.

They overheard other rumours that I couldn’t care less were true or not because in truth they were impressed by my confident stature and found me as potential. I continued to date Cara throughout freshman year, sophomore year and junior year of university until she dumped me last summer.

She’d found out that I was sleeping around and to be honest I didn’t understand why she really cared since after all we were only friends with benefits with the added title as boyfriend and girlfriend. I’m not even sure if I loved her but word got around that she did and I had broken her heart.

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