XVI. Guilty

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~ Ariana ~

"So help me God Ari if he tries anything." I shook my head at Marcel and sent him a smile. "He won't, I'll make sure of it." I reassured him. I'd never admit it but knowing Marcel already had this protective composure towards me and Harry left butterflies in my stomach.

I guess it's because no other than my family really cared about me. Knowing Marcel already did made me feel just a little bit more special.

"You better, o-or I'll have to hurt him." He stammered, making me giggle at his gesture. "No offense Marcel but how in the world are you going to take on someone Harry?"

"I'll tell my mum."

I rolled my eyes. "Oh yeah, that'll show him." Marcel sighed and pulled me closer to him. "I'm just looking out for you love." I sighed. "I know Marcel and you don't have to but thank you anyways." I smiled.

"Where is he taking you anyways?" He asked curiously as I combed through my hair. "He didn't say, but he said to dress casual so probably somewhere not extravagant."

"You look cute. Your hair is down again." Marcel commented as I felt myself blush. "Oh thanks. Alaska helped me pick out my outfit. She just had to Skype me after finding out I'm dating a Brit. Roxie helped me find the clothes of course. She's a nice girl." I said as Marcel chuckled.

"I'd love to meet this Alaska girl; she seems nice too. Roxie's never there though, I haven't met her in person yet but I've heard a lot of about her." He said as I nodded. "Yeah she likes to hang out with her other friends."

Alaska had chosen an apparently cute number for me which composed of a maroon v-neck with a gray cardigan, and dark navy skinny jeans. Along with my outfit I wore the same black pumps I wore yesterday. I was always more comfortable in heels, mostly because of my height disadvantage with most people as well as the whole 'improves posture' myth it brought along.

"So when is Harry coming for you?" Marcel asked. "He said at eight. What time is it?" I asked him as he began to hum. "Eight." Knock Knock. "Just on time." Marcel grumbled as he released me and I assumed went for the door. "You're on time for once." Marcel murmured. "A gentleman should never be late when taking out a lovely girl." Harry remarked as I sighed. Oh dear.

I could already sense Marcel's anger and he was probably at the door, well away from Harry and I. I walked forward and felt Harry take my hand. "Have her back by ten." Marcel muttered as Harry and I walked past him. "Okay Mr. Styles." Harry scoffed as I giggled and quickly kissed Marcel. "See you later."

"Take care." Marcel sighed, kissing me back before letting me go. "I'll take care of her; don't worry about it big brother." Harry chuckled as he brought his other arm around me. "You're only younger than me by twelve minutes." Marcel commented. "This is exactly why I'm the most attractive one by default."

"Yet I'm the one with the girlfriend." Marcel shot back as I giggled. "I think Marcel wins this one."

"Whatever, we better go." Harry laughed as Marcel chuckled nervously. "Yeah I guess, um see you then."


"Way to piss him off, Harry. He's already worried." I said, holding his arm tighter as I shivered from the gust of wind that began to pick up. "Ah it's my job as a brother to piss him off. I'd never try anything with you- I mean I would if you were single maybe but like no." he trailed off as I nodded slowly.

"Yeah let's not mention that to Marcel." I chuckled nervously. "He's been on edge for the past two days, and it's kind of getting on my nerves. But I know he means well." I sighed as Harry pulled me along. "You're his first girlfriend; it's in any man's nature to be possessive when they reach that stage."

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