Chap. 3: Is it a Proposal?

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Narrator's POV ~
     "Ah, good morning sunshine." I woke up as soon as the sunlight hit my face. School days are just the same as always. And now, it has finally come to a weekend. And I already had the permission from Miss Makino to excuse myself for today because of this special occasion because of this special event, and she understands it. And it would be fine to come by tomorrow.

But, there really is still something missing, Ace really didn't show up. I'm starting to get worried. Today is saturday and our fifth anniversary. I'm supposed to be excited, but I somehow feel, worried.

*buzz* *buzz* *buzz* *buzz*

My phone was ringing. I immediately picked it up by the table beside me. I ckecked the name of who was calling. And it was,

"Hello Ace? Where are you. I was so freakin worried about you. You haven't come to school for a week." I said.

"Uh, yeah. Sorry about that. I was just, uh, I had to make this day special. So, I was busy preparing for it. So, um, yeah." I heard his voice. It's really him.

"Really? Oh, that's really sweet. But you don't have to make it special. Just make it like any other anniversary. Okay." I said.

"Sure." I heard him say. And I just smiled at myself.

"So, see you tonight." I said.

"Yeah. See you babe. I'll pick you up at 8pm in the tall hotel near 'Makino's Cafeteria' called Skypiea. It's the only tallest building here. So you would eventually know when you see it. Then wait for me at the lobby." he said.

"Okay. Bye." And then I ended first the call.

And now that I know he's okay, I've got nothing to worry about. All I have to do now is pick up a nice and neat dress. A small simple make up. And a small box to wrap my present for Ace. The silver necklace, with an ancient looking coin pendant in it. Though, it's still beautiful. I know he'd love it. I have to do some shopping now.

*ring ring* *ring ring*

Huh? The telephone is ringing outside in the living room. I wonder who could it be. I walked out of my bedroom and took the telephone near the TV.

"Uh, hello?" After I picked it up, nothing was there. I mean, no reply and it just beeped off. Must be a wrong number. I put it down and started to go to the bathroom when,

*ring ring* *ring ring*

The telephone rang again. I went back and picked it up.

"Hello? Who is this?" I said. And again, no answer and it just beeped off again. This is starting to creep me out. I put it down again. I started to walk away again, and

*ring ring* *ring ring* it started ringing again.

"Hey, you! I'm going to call the police if you don't-"

"Nice to hear your voice master." someone replied.

The voice wasn't familiar. I don't have any idea who is this person. But I know it's a guy's voice. It's a calm yet cold voice. "Hello? Who is this? Where the hell are you!" I shouted through the telephone. But, *beep* it beeped off again.

Who the hell was that. Is that guy stalking me? He better not, because if I ever found out who that guy was, I'm really gonna call the police to make him stop. Ugh, all this stress is taking away my excitement for tonight's anniversary. Well, before I go shopping, I better take a bath first, then I'm off.

Time Skip ~
     Yes. I got my purple silk like sleeveless dress. Put on some small make up. And I've wrapped up Ace's present. I'm ready. And it's 7:54, almost 8pm. Just in time I got to finish actually. I then left my room. Carrying my small bag, filled with Ace's gift and one sake. The one I got from big bro.

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