Chapter 52: Night Lights

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Law's POV ~
I got on my kimono and waited outside the venue. There were lots of people already this early. There were lots of game and food stands in placed too. I looked at the time on the phone that Hania gave to me. It's pass 6pm, they still haven't come yet. What if something happened.

"Law." I looked at to whoever called me, though I already know who. I turned around and saw the beautiful woman I love before me, wearing a red kimono with sakura flowers, and a matching hair accessory that bundled up her hair.

"Sorry I'm late. Nami called the gang and they decided to visit while we where getting ready. We got caught up talking we almost forgot the time. I'm really sorry." Hania said.

"Beautiful." was the only word that escaped my mouth. Her rosy cheeks got even redder from blushing.

"T-Thank you." she said. I then held her hand, started to walk together.

"Uhm." I noticed her hesitating.

"What is it?" I asked and we stopped.

"They actually tagged along." she said and pointed out something from behind her.

Then I saw Mugiwara-ya's gang following not far from behind her.

"You guys are so slow."

"That's because you got lost!"

"Wah~ Nami-swan's still so pretty when she's angry~"

"Shut up ero-cook."

"Huh!? What did you say you stupid always-getting-lost marimo!"







I could hear their bickering from this distance. They never really changed. They were still so the same from when I first met them.

"Oh, there's Tra-guy and Hania." Long nose-ya called.

Tch, if they tag along with us, Hania and I won't have much along time together. So I immediately carried her in my arms,
"Oi Tra-guy, what are you doing with my sister."

"Baka! Just let them be." before they could finally reach us, we teleported.

At the center of the event, where most stands were, was where we teleported and I put Hania down.

"What was that about?" she asked.

"I didn't get to spend time with you earlier, so I'm making the most of it now." I said to her. She just smiled and nodded in agreement. She then grabbed my hand and pulled me into one of the food stands.

"Wow, cotton candy. So pretty." she said as she eyed on a big colorful cotton candy.

"Do you want one Law?" she asked me and handed the cotton candy to me.

"It's okay. I'm not really into sweet foods." I said. She looked a bit disappointed. I looked at what I could get in replace.

"How about this?" I said and took a candy apple.

"But that's still sweet." She pouted.

"Well, it's an apple." I said.

"Hhmm. An apple a day, keeps the genie away. But if the genie is cute, ditch the fruit." She said.

"So, that means yes or no?" I asked.

"I'll definitely take the fruit." she said and took the candy apple from me.

"Why, am I not that cute for you?" I asked jokingly.

"No. You're not cute Law. You're hot." she said and smiled. I was definitely not expecting her answer.

"Uh, wait- I mean- well, y-you are sometimes cute. Hehe." She stuttered when she realized what she said. I felt like I was blushing a bit from the light heat I felt on my face, so I turned away from her.

"What's wrong?" I heard her asking.

"Nothing. Let's just get two candy apple." I said and finally faced back to her after I calmed down.

We both then started walking while eating. Then she spotted a game stand that gave prizes to whoever hits the moving targets.

"Law, let's try that." I knew she was gonna say that. We both walked towards it and she started to play. She keeps hitting the targets, except for the most important one in order to get a prize. I noticed she was getting disappointed.

"Let me." So I decided to try it. With one hit, I immediately knocked down the target.

"Yey!" she exclaimed in happiness. That's good.

"What prize would you couples like?" the owner asked.

I looked at her, and waited for her to pick. She then pointed out to a polar bear stuff toy. The owner grabbed it and gave it to her.

"Here." Then she handed it to me.

"What?" I wondered at her gesture.

"I actually wanted to play to give you the prize. Though I wasn't successful with the last one."

"You didn't have to."

"Here. Please accept this gift." I couldn't refuse her plea.

"Okay. I'll take it. Thank you." I said and received the stuffed toy from her.

The stuffed polar bear was kind of cute though. We continued to walk around and tried different foods and games. She was doing great with those games.

I noticed the people were starting to gather somewhere.

"Come on mom. Their gonna start the countdown for the fireworks. We can't miss it." I heard a child pass by.

So the fireworks are gonna start. They were starting to gather near a lake, where there was a gazebo at the center of the lake, with lanterns attached from here to its pillars.

There were so many people gathered, Hania will have a hard time watching the fireworks.

Ten seconds before the fireworks, I want to give her a great view of it. The gazebo would've been a great idea, but it's already full.

Oh wait, I know.

Five seconds left.









Just in time.


*pyuu* *BOOM*

*pyuu**pyuu* *BOOM**BOOM*

"Wow! It's so beautiful." We teleported at the flat roof of the gazebo. Hania was in awe at the lit night sky with the fireworks. Different and beautiful colors combine with each explosions. She kept staring at the sky, as the lights reflected on her beautiful eyes.

"Law, it's so beautiful." she smiled at me as she said those.

"Yes it is." I said as I looked at her. We both continued to enjoy the entire fireworks event, sitting side by side, holding each others hands, fitting perfectly like it was made for each other to hold, until it finally came to an end.

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