Chapter 28: Confusing Conversations

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Kid's POV~
I went to my room to wash up and change my clothes after I gave Trafalgar the camera, small plastic bag and her bag.

Then I went back to their room. The door was open, I guess it's okay to go in.

I see Trafalgar sitting in a chair beside shrimps bed. Her belongings were on the table, though I don't think the camera was hers.

I just sat by the window.

"So?" I asked.

"What?" I could hear the anger in his voice.

"What're you going to do about it?" I said to him. He just gave a deep sigh.

"I don't know yet. All I could think of now is Hania. They did this to her, I'll leave it to her on what she wants. All I have to do is grant her wish." he said, and stood up.

Heh~ is that so?

He then took a necklace out of his pocket and put them on her neck.

"What's that?" I suddenly asked. Well duh, it's a necklace. Stupid!

"It's her protection." Huh? A necklace for protection?

"As long as she wears it, I'll be able to find her." he said as he sat back down.

"So that's why you didn't need a phone. You could track her with that necklace." I stated. He just nodded.

"You saw in that video, they snatched the necklace off her neck. I can't find her if she's not wearing the necklace. I'm bound to it." he said. I think I get it, I think not.? Either way, what a weird ability but handy.

"Yeah. I noticed it in their fucking video, she protected that necklace even though she's risking her life. What's up with that."

"How should I know. I guess she cares."

"Ya in a relationship or something?"

"Who knows."

I'm getting pissed right now, he's not making any freaking sense.

We just sat there on silence. Then it started to rain.

Then I suddenly had a thought.

"Oi." I said and Trafalgar looked.

"What about her brother?" I asked.

"I don't know." he said and looked down.
Then another few hours moment of silence.

"She's not weak." Trafalgar suddenly said. I never said she was weak.

"She's actually very strong. She was just at a disadvantage." he continued.

"I don't think she's weak either." I said.

"Heh, you should've seen her with her katana in the past." he said as he tucked a piece of hair away from shrimp's face.

"Past? What does that mean? You also said you didn't want to lose her again. The heck, did she die or something before?" I asked.

"Something like that." he replied.

"Nnggng~! Aaagnng~!" We hear shrimp whimper, she seems to still be in pain.

"Hania!" he jolted up from his seat. He's really concerned about her. That's a weird side of him. Gross.

I just walked towards them, not that I care. I'm just curious.

"Nnggng~! Ngnng~! Aaannggng~!" The hell, why is she making that noise. Wait, she's sweating a lot.

"She's having a fever. Her wounds might've been infected." I tried touching her forehead.

She's burning up!

"Oi, do something!" I told him.

"I've already given her treatment and medicine. She has to hold on and fight this on her own." was all he said.

"You're not gonna do something?! You don't care if she's suffering!?"

"You think I want that!?!" he shouted at me.

"Do you think I'd let the woman I love suffer through all this all over again?!!? You have no fucking idea!!"

I stood there speechless. So, he does, love her.

Man, why did I get so worked up. That's not fucking me at all.

(A/N: Welp, hello again. I hope y'all had fun. Please don't forget to vote if you liked it. Also comment if you'd like. Thank you so much. I almost forgot how much fun making these stories. Knowing you guys just read these, motivates me. So, thank you so much minna. Take care, keep safe and see y'all...)

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