Chap. 8: Genie Visits the Master

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Zephania's POV ~
         Ugh, dang it. Now I have to deal with that Law guy. Damn that genie. Why did he even appear. Ugh, my head is getting messed up because of him. Damn that genie.

But, I have to take care of some things first. I have work to do. I thought about this as I was serving tea and other drinks, with some snacks to our costumers.

"Zephania." Ah, our manager, Miss Makino is calling me.

"Yes ma'am." I replied.

"Could you come here for a sec." she said fom outside the door of her office.

"Hai. I'll be right there." I answered back. I just finished serving my last drinks to my next costumer. After that, I went back into the kitchen and left the tray there, as I continued to walk directly to Miss Makino's Office.

I knocked first and said, "Ma'am, it's me." I said through the door.

"Please, come in." I heard her reply from inside.

And then I opened the door, went inside and then closed the door behind me. And there I saw Miss Makino sitting in her chair behind her desk.

"You called me, Ma'am?" I first said.

"Please, don't call me ma'am. It's like I'm an old woman, for me to be called like that. Makino is alright for me." she said and smiled.

"Ah, hai. Sorry, for calling you ma'am. Then, I'll just call you Miss Makino." I said.

"Alright, you can call me Miss Makino. Anyway, please sit down." she said and pointed at the chair in front of her table. And I walked to it and sat there.

"I wanted to talk to you. About, Ace." My eyes widened as soon as she said his name.

"I heard you two had your fifth anniversary last night, that's why you two were permitted to absent yesterday. And I wanted to ask if how did it go." she said and smiled.

"W-Why, do you know about this? Who told you?" I asked her.

"Well, Ace and I are close. And I once took care of him when he was still young. So, that's why he told me the reason why he was going be absent. So, I was asking you if how did it go." she said with a curious smile on her face. I looked down, an upset feeling started overcoming me.

"It, did not, go so well." I said as I intertwined my hands together.
"Huh? Why? What happened?" she said as her smiling face turned into a confused one. 

"Well, we, broke up." I said and looked up at her.

"Eh? Really? Why?" she questioned.

"It was, he said it was bacause of, a girl." I said and looked down again.

"Oh, that's why he didn't come through today. I'm sorry for what happened. I wasn't really expecting it you know. I'm sorry for mentioning it. I know you must be having a tough time." she said. Why is she apologising?

"Uhm, Miss Makino, you don't have to apologise." I said to her.

"But, if only I knew that something like that could happen, I could've scolded him." she said, somehow looking sad. But, she's not at fault.

"It's alright. It already happened. And nothing can ever change that." I said. And then we both fell silent.

"Anyway Miss Makino, I better continue to work. I thank you for having this conversation with you. Now, at least I got to know you." I said.

"Heh, no problem." she said. Then I stood up from my seat and walked out the door.

Narrator's POV ~
        After Zephania and Makino finished talking, Zephania immediately walked outside and continued her work. As soon as she walked out of Makino's Office, she was called by her workmate, Vivi. "Hey, Zephania." Vivi started running towards her direction.

"What is it?" Zephania asked.

"There's this cool guy looking for you. He's so incredibly hot. He said he was looking for you Zephania. He's at table three." Vivi said to her.

"Huh? Really? Do you know who?" Zephania asked.

"He didn't say." Vivi said.

"Well, alright. I'll handle this. Besides, we have to work hard right." Zephania said. And Vivi smiled at her and nodded. And then Zephania started to walk off towards table three.

And then Makino suddenly came out of her office and looked at Zephania, continuing to work and walking towards table three.

'Ace, why did you have to let someone like her go. Both of you could've worked out fine.' Makino thought as she kept looking at Zephania.

And a minute later she eventually went back inside.

Zephania's POV ~
      Why did I have to go to table three? Vivi already went there. Why didn't she took this guy's order? And why is this guy looking for me anyway? Who is this guy? These questions kept repeating in my head as I walked towards table three.

As I got closer, I saw only one man sitting there. But I couldn't see his face because his back was facing me.

"Good morning sir. How  may I serve yo- YOU!" I suddenly shouted the last part as I finally saw this guy's face when I went in front of him. It was Law.

"That's funny. I thought I was supposed to serve you master." he said.


"Who's that!?"

"He's so cool."

"Is he a super model?"

All the girls in the cafe, even my female workmates started screaming as their eyes turned into hearts when they saw Law.

I don't know about the guys, I don't care. There are just few anyway, maybe two or three. I haven't really talked to them, and I don't plan to.

I then noticed Law looked at them, and the he suddenly smirked at them.

"Kyaaaaa~!" They screamed again and started to faint. I then grabbed his arm and dragged him with me outside.

(A/N: Hello minna. Sorry if the story is too boring for you. But I promise I will make it more fun and entertaining. I'm putting on some terrible events on the upcoming chapters. Let's find out more what will happen to the both of them. But I'm still writing the drafts. Sorry if I'm too slow. School is almost starting, which makes it more harder. :( And sorry to ask this of you, but, Please Vote and Comment on my story if you liked it or not. I'd really appreciate it so that I know that I'm lacking somehow. Okay, see ya.)

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