Chapter 55: Holiday Out

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Law's POV ~
She looked so good in her bikini. I don't want anyone see her like that. I let change her clothing and waited at her door, while the Strawhat-ya's gang started going out ine by one  leaving us both alone in this inn. This gives me an idea.

A minute later, she came out, wearing a thin layered white dress, with that bikini she wore earlier underneath. I could almost see through to her undergarments. This looks even perfect for her, which is bad for me.

"Change again." I said and nudged her back.

"Eh? Why?" she asked.

"It's too thin. Your skin is almost showing." I said.

"But it's hot out." she pouted at me.

'You're the one who's hot damnit.' I thought.

"I can't let anyone see you like this."

"If you're concerned that someone might hit on me, don't be. I'm all yours." she said and smiled genuinely at me.

"That's right. You're mine." I said and smashed my lips onto hers. She kissed back and nuzzle the back of my hair, which felt relaxing.

"Hhmm~" I hear her moan from the kiss. I hoisted her up, with her legs wrapped around my waist and brought her back the room, sitting on her bed.

"You're not resisting at all." I smirked when I pulled away from the kiss. She just blushed and looked away.

"Looking like that, how could I." she looked down and traced the tattoos on my chest with her fingers.

"Pfft, same." I said and we kissed again. She suddenly pushed me down, with her now on top of me and started kissing my neck.

Well, that's new. I'm not complaining though, yet it's odd.

Hania's never been this very forward with me. I held her hand before she could go further.

"What's wrong?" I said and she stopped, then looked up at me.

"Nothing." she replied, but then, she loiked away.

"Really?" I asked again. She looked back at me and just smiled and kissed my bare tattooed chest.

"I just, didn't know I could love you so much." she said and continued to kiss my neck.

I grunted when she sucked deeply at a certain spot on my neck. While I slowly reached to her legs and slipped my hands under her skirt, grabbing her ass.

She started kissing me lower while I felt her hand going to my shorts. It was starting get more heated up.

*knock* *knock*

We immediately sat up and looked at each other as soon as we heard the knock.

"Hania? You still there?" It was Roronoa-ya's voice at the door.

"Y-Yeah. I'm just getting ready. Go on ahead. I'll catch up." she said loud enough to be heard from the door.

"Okay. Hurry up." he said and I hear footsteps walking away.

"That was close." she said and sighed in relief. That was definitely close, and it was just getting to the good part.

"Let's go Law." she suggested and was about to get off. But I pulled her back for a kiss for the last time and put her down.

"Fine." I said and we walked out.

Time skip ~

I'm still not getting used to the heat of the summer. Hania and her friends were playing volleyball while I just sat back under an umbrella.

"Oi, Tra-guy, let's go get some food. I'm hungry." Strawhat-ya suddenly blocked my view with his goofy grin.

"Get it yourself." I said. I expected him to whine but he just stared at me.

"Tra-guy? What's that on your neck? You got a bruise?"

"A bruise on my neck? How-" Then I just remembered what happened earlier.

"I'll call Chopper to treat it." He was about to walk away.

"Wait! Wait! I'm fine." I shouted to stop him.

"Really? Then come on. Come with me. I don't have money and Nami doesn't let me borrow."

"What makes you think I'd let you."

"Shishishi, because you like Hania and I'll ask her. Shishishi" When did he get that clever, using Hania as an excuse.

"Ugh, fine." I groaned and got up my seat.

"Yosh, I want Ice cream."

"Don't order me." This brat is still so childish. I still don't kniw how to deal with him.

Zephania's POV ~
Playing some volleyball with the girls along with Usopp, Chopper and Sanji, made me lose my attention from the dream I had earlier. For now, I just want to have fun with my friends.

We continued to play, then I noticed Law got up and went somewhere with Luffy. Must be food again.

"Look out!" I heard someone yelled. I looked to my right and there was a ball flying fast at me. Before I could react, a large hand caught the ball. Based on the person's colored nails, I already knew who it was.

"You alright shrimp?"

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