Chapter 40: A Doll

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Law's POV ~
I woke up, the sun's daylight hitting my face through the window.

I realized it was already morning. I accidentally slept while watching over Hania.

I noticed she wasn't on the bed too.
I immediately got up and was about to find her, when the bathroom door opened, and came out, Hania, soaking naked.

I stopped at my tracks and stared at her for a while. Kind of shock for a fact that she's walking around naked and soaking wet, specially in front of me.

"I forgot my towel."

I still couldn't speak as I kept staring at her.

"What? It's not like you haven't me naked before." She bluntly said, with a blank expression as she took a towel from her closet.

She's not wrong though and I'm not complaining. But it's still strange to me. But even though, I still love her. She's still the same to me.

She then rummaged her closet looking for something.

"What are you looking for?" I asked.

"My school uniform clothes. It's a school day." she said with such soft yet monotone voice.

"Your uniform got damaged remember. It got torn and bloodied. I'll get you a new one." I said and snapped my fingers. Now we were both on our uniforms.

"Thanks." Even her thanks sounds emotionless, not quite convincing.

I just observed her as she walks back and forth into the room. All she had for breakfast was that sandwich again. Ugh, I hate bread.

"Why do you always have sandwich for breakfast?" I asked, just to start a conversation with her.

"I can't cook." was all she said. I miss her old self. The one where she gets angry with me sometimes, smile, laugh, yell, I miss all those of her. I remembered the time when she had breakfast and she found out I hate bread and chased each other in the room, she really laugh so hard that time. Though I can never take back her wish. I hope she wishes for everything back to normal.

"I bet you're thinking for everything to be normal again. As you can see, I'm fine. I'm doing alright." she said while packing her things with her bag.

I just walked towards her, took both of her hands and held them tight.

"I believe you. Just know, that I'll never leave you, and I'll always love you." I said to her. She just stared at me for a while, and just nodded as a reply.

She then took her bag and said "Let's go." then I teleported us to the front gate together. We both went in together.

"Damn that Ace. I'll never forgive him for destroying all my cars. He's lucky I managed to get this one car that I drove today." I heard Monet's voice beside us. She didn't seem to notice us while was busy grumbling.

So Ace did those huh, no wonder she's furious. But why would she even need a car when she could just fly. Perks of a rich lady I guess. Monet fastened her pace, then I saw from her other side, it was Eustass-ya. He looked at me, then at Monet, then back at me. I guess he heard her grumbling.

He then pointed out something from the gate as we walked. I looked back, and he was pointing at a car. It was Monet's. I think I know what he's thinking. He's definitely thinking what I'm thinking.

We were able to get to get into class, before class started. Everyone greeted Hania cheerfully, she greeted them back with a monotone voice, which lightly surprised them. Even Eustass-ya. He looked at me with a frown smug look in his face.

"I'll explain later." I said to him.

There was still time left for Eustass-ya's plan. So we both went out for a bit, then came back quickly before the bell rang.


It was lunch time. I was about to get up my seat, when Roronoa-ya walked toward me.

"Law. Watch over Zephania will ya. I have some business I have to attend to." he said and walked back to Strawhat-ya's gang. He already knows my answer for that.

I noticed Hania finally stood up, then so did I, and went with her, accompanying her, wherever she goes. I then noticed Eustass-ya also did the same.

"Oi, Trafalgar. You better explain what's going on here." he said. I just sighed and nodded.

When she finally went to the women's bathroom after having lunch, I told Eustass-ya what happened.


"You did what! Why the hell did you do it, dumbass!" Eustass-ya shouted.

"Shut up Eustass-ya! I could never refuse even if I wanted to. Even though I tried convincing her." I replied.

Then Hania came out of the bathroom, we then acted normal, heading towards class. She's been silent throughout the whole day. She only greets when someones greets her. She only talks when someone asks her. Overall, she's been silent.


Final bell, the class ends for the day. I accompany her walking out the classroom. Then Eustass-ya followed by. So annoying. His gang are even following him from a distance. I'm definitely sure he's interested in Hania. As we got to the gate, we heard screaming.

It was Monet. Well, I think she finally saw what happened to her last car.

"Who did this!" Monet started looking everywhere to see who destroyed her car. A lot of people started to gather. Then she looked at our direction and saw us. She stomped her way through towards us.

"You did this!" She pointed at the expressionless Hania. I immediately pushed Hania gently, hiding her behind me.

"You have no proof." Hania bluntly said. "W-Well, I-I. Grrr, this is just your payback for what I did to you!" she shouted.

Eustass-ya suddenly pushed her away. "And what exactly did you do to her!?" He exclaimed. The students around us started murmuring and whispering. Monet started to look nervous.

"I-I, I didn't do anything!"

"Then why are you defensive." I said.

She backed up, knowing she can't escape from her lies. "Why don't you apologize to her then and stop bitching around." Eustass-ya said. The audience agreed with him.

"Ugh! Fine! I'm sorry." she said and flew away.

"Whatever." was all Hania replied and continued walking. The audience dispersed and we both soon followed her.

"Oi, shrimp I almost forgot." Eustass-ya called out to Hania. Hania stopped and faced us who were behind her. "Here." He then handed her the phone she bought for me.

"I already fixed it." he added. She stared at it for a while, which slightly bothered us. Then she slowly reached to receive it. She suddenly placed it on her chest.

"Thank you." even though it was still monotone, there was a slight difference to it.

"Here. Take it." Then she handed the phone over to me. I willingly took it.

"Thank you. I'm honored master." I said and grabbed her for a hug. I could sense Eustass-ya's malicious aura, I didn't care. Though anything I say won't move her, at least I showed her my gratitude. I'm gonna cherish this gift.

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