Chapter 48: The Curse

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Zephania's POV ~
His heart was beating. It was beating loud and fast, just like mine.

"Your heart is beating! How?" I exclaimed, actually feeling joy and relief.

"It's because you said you love me." he said while resting his head on top of mine. I was at loss of what he meant.

"How can confessing actually helps a heart?" I just asked, still not getting it. I pulled away and looked at him, awaiting his response.

"You have no idea." he chuckled and caressed my face. I pouted at him because of the lack of information he gave. But I think there's more to it.

"Come on. Let's get you cleaned up." he suddenly said and snapped his fingers, and we were in my bathroom now. Wait, what's he going to do?

He had me sat down on the rim of the bathtub, then he started to take off my boots.

"L-Law. W-What are y-you doing?" I'm starting to have weird thoughts. I'm so embarrassed, that I even felt my face heat up again.

When he finally took off both my boots, he then looked back at me, and smirked.

"If you think, that I'm thinking of going to do the stuff that you're thinking, rest assured I won't. Besides, I just took a shower." He said and kissed my forehead and then left. I want to die. How shameful of me. I'm embarrassed. But he's right, I should wash up.

After I was done, I put on my pajamas and dried my hair, and walked out.

I saw Law on the bed reading something while wearing glasses, his hat at the table beside the bed. It looked like a medical book. He really looked so good in glasses. He noticed me still standing at the door.

"What're you still doing there. Come here." He said and patted the space in the bed beside him.

"I-I-I-I'm fine. I'll just stand here." I awkwardly said, waving my hand everywhere. I'm such an idiot. I just stood there awkwardly for a little while.

Then I noticed Law sighed, taking off his glasses then placing it in the table beside his hat, putting down the book on his lap, and raised his hands.

"ROOM." Oh no.


Before I knew it, I am now already at Law's lap in place on the book, facing towards him and him between my legs.

"Comfy?" he said.

How the hell am I supposed to answer that. I just buried my face in his chest.

"Baka Law." I whispered.

"Yeah yeah." I heard him chuckle.

My head rested on his chest, hearing every beat of rhythm I hear of his heart, calmed me.

"You remember what I told you about meeting you in the past?" he suddenly started. I pulled away, and looked at him, giving him a small nod.

"I want you to know the rest of it."

Law's POV ~
She deserves to know the truth. I know more about her than she does of me.

"I want you to know the rest of it." I said, and breathed in, then breathed out before I continued to talk.

"I, am actually cursed." was the first thing I said. I expected for her to react but it seemed like she wanted to hear more. So I continued.

"A few centuries ago, way back before I came to have met that past version of you, I was still at my very young teens, I fell in love with a beautiful girl." I looked at Hania and I could hear her expression saying 'Really?' and I laughed at her reaction.

"Don't worry, you're more beautiful." I said and lightly pinched her nose and it made her smile.

"Just, hear me out. That girl always made the people in the village turn towards her, I was one of them. I was always focused on my books, but the day came when the moment I saw her, she became my distraction. I knew she would never notice me, and I could never be at her standards, so I gave up. The next day, I walked around the shore when I found a bottle with a necklace on it with an instruction. Well, apparently as you know, it was a genie. He told me that I could have 3 wishes, and that gave me hope." I stopped and looked at her, giving me the strength to continue.

"I was so foolish and such an idiot , I never thought or cared of the consequences. Do you know what I wished for that time?" I asked her, trying to let her guess. She shook her head in disagreement.

"I wished for her to fall in love with me. Stupid right? Though the genie said that it was forbidden to make such a wish. When I asked for that wish, I was told about the consequences being cursed. I didn't listen and begged him to grant my wish, thinking, what's the worse that could happen. So as a genie serving his master, he did grant it."

"What happened next?' she then asked.

"Apparently, the wish wasn't applied. The girl didn't fall in love with me, because her heart already belonged to another. It was such a double edged sword like situation. It was either win-lose or lose-lose. Thinking back about it, I really regret it. But then, if I hadn't done that, I wouldn't have met you."

(A/N: Okaaayyy, minna-san. I'm thinking of trying something new at the next chapters ahead. I'm gonna go do and try my best to level up (more like level down🤣) the intimate scenes as best as I could possibly imagine.🤣😂 I hope you'll find it okay, just bear with me on this. Hahaha, don't forget to vote or comment if you liked it. See ya and take care...)

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