Chap. 1: The Beginning of the Summoning

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Zephania's POV ~
"What's your name." the woman in front of me asked.

"Roronoa Zephania." I said.


"Nineteen years old."

"Where are your parents?"

"...... Gone."

"Oh, I'm sorry. So you're alone now?"

"Uh, no. I have my brother with me. His name is Roronoa Zoro."

"Do you have any experience with this?"

"Uh, yeah. I guess."

"Okay. So why do you need this job?"

"So that I can at least help my brother and myself in our daily living. Because we only have ourselves to count on. We don't have any relatives either. So we just depend on ourselves now." I said. And I saw the lady in front of me smiled.

"Okay. You're hired." she said.

"Whoa. Really? Thanks." I said.

"You're welcome. You can start by this next saturday if you want." she said.

"Sure." I then stood up and shook hands with her.

"Well then, I'll see you next week. As for now, I am your manager. My name is Makino. Nice meeting you." she said.

"Awesome." I said and gave a thumbs up. And she only smiled and nodded. And then, I walked out the door, feeling relieved because it was done.

I got a new job and now, I'm starting to get good at my life. But I feel kind of nervous, at the same time, excited. Maybe a walk home will do the trick to calm me down. So, I started to walk on my way home.

Then, on my way there, I saw on the streets, near the apartment I live in, was an old woman, selling some stuffs. I don't know what. I just passed by her knowing that all of what she's selling are just junk. But then,

"Hello Miss." she said. And I stopped. I turned around and asked.

"Um, are you, talking to me?" And she nodded.

"Okay? What's the problem ma'am? Do you, want something?" I asked and went closer to her.

"Can you help me with these? I haven't been able to sell my stuff. And I've been working really hard on selling these. Can you, at least, buy some of them? I just need help. Please." she said. And she looked kind of in a lot of trouble. And needs help. Well, I don't have much of a choice.

"Okay. I'll see what I can find." I said and then, took a look closer in her sack full of junks. But they were still old and but kund of unused things. I don't know if I can find something useful. Oh wait, I think I see something. I saw something shiny at the corner part of the sack. I managed to pick it up and was stunned at its beauty.

It was very beautiful and shiny. I love it. And I know, my boyfriend will also love it as well. I want it. And I'm gonna give it to him as a gift on our anniversary, this next saturday. "I want this one ma'am." I said and showed her the necklace.

"Oh. You have sharp eyes my dear. Now for that, is my most prized possession. So I think I'll give it to you for free." she said.

'Huh? What's up with her. She said she needed some help. And now she's giveng it for free? She's weird.' I thought.

"No ma'am. I think I should still pay you, it's unfair." I said and gave her a hundred yen and she took it.

"Oh, dear. Thank you. And I think I know that you would make a very good owner of that necklace." she said. She's quiet confusing me a bit.

"Um, okay. I don't actually get it, but thanks. Goodbye ma'am." I said and then walked off. I then placed the necklace in my bag. But then I looked back and, the old woman was already gone. It was kind of suspicious, but I went home anyway.

When I got there, I passed my brother's room and directly to my room. Then, I placed my bag on the couch and sat there.


Oh, I guess Im hungry. Let me see, if I can get some of my favourite sake in my fridge. I stood up and walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge. "Aw~. It's all gone. I didn't get to buy some?" I said as I closed the fridge.

'Maybe Zoro has some. He never runs out of sake.' I thought.

"I'll sneak into his room." I said as I took a pin and went out of my room. His room was just beside mine so it was easy for me, and also easy for him to find me, otherwise, he will get lost trying to find me.

And there I was, standing in front of his room. I turned the doorknob, and as expected, it's locked. Good thing I'm good at picking locks. I then took out the pin in my pocket and start to unlock the door. *click* It opened. I slowly pushed the door open and took a peek inside.

"Hello? Big bro?" I whispered as I walked inside. But there was no one.

"Maybe he's still at work. Or probably lost again." I said and went into the kitchen and opened the fridge. And all that was inside were just sakes, booze and other drinking stuff. I wonder how much he can take with all of this. Mmm, never mind. I'll just take two maybe, so he won't notice that there were a lot missing. I took two bottles, walked out of the kitchen and went out of the room, closing the door behind me.

I went back into my room and sat on the couch and placed the two bottles on the table in front of me. I took the remote beside me and turned the TV on. But, there were no interesting things I could watch, so I turned it off.

I stood up from the couch and took my school bag. I searched inside my bag the book that I borrowed from our library. I'm really a fan of fictions. And also any magical fantasy stories. That's why I keep coming back at our library in school days.

Oh, I almost forgot. Tomorrow is monday. Class starts at 7am. I better set the alarm later. Right now, I must indulge myself with this fantasy book. But then, I felt a weird presence around me. But I just ignored it and took a drink of the sake that I took.

While reading and drinking, I read something interesting about how to chant a spell for summoning. I'm really interested. I thought it was a bit funny at first, but I'm gonna try it though.

Then I read it, "An Apple a day, Keeps the genie away. But if the genie is cute, Ditch the fruit." I said out loud.

Well, nothing happened.

'Roronoa Zephania'

I heard someone called my name. It was faint, but I heard it.

"Who's there!"

I immediately stood up from the couch and walked to the window and searched outside. But found nothing.

Then I walked to the door and opened it and searched outside. Still nothing.

Maybe it was my brother. I got in front of his room, and knocked. "Big bro? Are you home?" I said. But no reply.

That's weird. I could've sworn I heard my name. Maybe I'm just imagining it. I went back to my room and locked the door, so no intruder will come inside.

I went back to sit on the couch and continued my reading and drinking. I saved one bottle so I can drink it some other day. Right now, I'm a little tired. I wonder what time it is.

I looked at the clock on my wall, and shows, it's 8:29 pm. Time does fly fast, even without wings. Well, I'm tired right now. I want to take a short break. I placed my book and the drink on the table. And then I slowly layed on the couch and started close my eyes. I think I'll be out for just a few minutes.,

(A/N: Hello, it's me again. I just want to i form you that, the introduction might be a bit boring because of some stuff happening, but the leading characters will fully show up on, I say, Chapter 5. So, see you guys there. I just want to infoem you early in advance. Bye.)

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