Chapter 66: Sacrifice

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Narrator's POV ~
"Oh no! Law!" Zephania immediately got up and went towards Law's direction. She didn't know his condition since it was foggy from the smoke and dust that were everywhere, making it hard to see. But as soon as the dust cleared, she saw the cage. It flew a bit more away from the attack, giving Law a hard time in there, specially all chained up. She sighed in relief, looking as it still seemed to be in tact.

"AAHH! THIS IS BAD! VIVI WAS STILL IN THAT ROOM!" Luffy shouted when he realized that Crocodiles attack reached through his office, splitting in half.

But Zephania noticed the her blue haired friend through the window, grabbing on from a desk near a wall.

"Luffy, I can see her. She's still inside. I think she's okay." Zephania said to Luffy, and Luffy sighed in relief.

"Even with that attack, you still refuse to die." Crocodile then landed back in front of where Law was caged.

Law got up and took a look at of the situation. His head was bleeding from the impact of Crocodile's attack. He was shocked at the building that split in half. But when he saw Zephania still okay, he sighed in relief.

But Luffy was full of rage from Crocodile almost killing his nakama.

"Gomu-Gomu no, Bazooka." Luffy charged again at Crocodile, but this time it didn't affect him as much. He turned to sand from that attack.

"His water must've dried up already." Zephania whispered under her breath. She decided to attack him next.

"One sword style, Gust Pierce!" her attack was able to cut him, but not enough.

"You brat." Crocodile then charged at her with his hook. Zephania was able to block it, but with his sand ability, he was able to maneuver his hook, hooking Zephania through her shoulder.

"Aahh!" she screamed in pain as she was lifted up by Crocodiles golden hook that grabbed through her shoulder, blood dripping so much from her wound.

"Hania!" Law on the other hand couldn't do a thing from his situation. He felt angry to be useless.

"Damn you Crocodile! You promised not to harm her!" Law shouted at the sandman.

"Oh, I forgot. My bad. Pardon me. Well, it's a a good thing it was only on your shoulders."
Crocodile said in monotone.

Zephania felt angry from being toyed by Crocodile, she tried to grab his arm. To her surprise, she was able to hold him. She gripped harder on his arm.

Crocodile was surprised also that she could grab a hold of him, so he tossed her away.

"Aah!" Zephania fell forcibly on the ground, making her wound feel worse.

"That brat. How did she-"

"CROCODILE!" Before he could react, he was sent flying by Luffy.

Crocodile didn't know how he managed to get hit by him this time. Then he noticed, the blood from his cut that was from Crocodile's Desert Spada attack earlier, dripping continuously down his arms to his knuckles.

"Gumo-Gumo no, Gatling!"


Luffy didn't waste any moment of letting Crocodile recover as he attacked again.
He fell down, almost losing his consciousness, while Luffy starts to lose his balance from the blood loss.

"ENOUGH!" Crocodile shouted and got up again, almost losing his mind from the situation, from everyone ruining his plans.

"See this!" He then took out a key from his coat pocket.

"Once I release the genie, I will have my wishes and all of you will perish!" Crocodile announced and took out the necklace and wore it.

"If you come any closer to stop me, I will kill you instantly with this." Crocodile then took out the golden cover part of his hook, revealing a silvered one with purple stuff oozing from it.

"This silver hook contains a poison that can kill you in a matter of minutes, with no known antidote."

Law gritted his teeth from anger in this dirty play of his. Then it got Law thinking.

"Once I do this wish, promise me this time that you'll spare Zephania and my companions. If you won't, I will destroy myself and you won't get your wishes." Law said, with him making the deal this time.

"No! Law!"


Zephania and Luffy screamed, not having enough much strength left, while Luffy suddenly collapsed from too much blood loss.

Crocodile paused for quite a while, then he spoke.

"Very well. I will spare these kids, in exchange of my wishes and your complete utmost service to me."

"How do I know you won't betray me."

"An asset like you, I can't risk letting you go." Crocodile made the deal seriously with Law, no intention of backstabbing each other this time, as they both know what is at risk in their agendas.

"D-Don't do this Law. Please."

"I'm sorry Hania. Just know that I'll always love you, even if I'm not with you anymore."

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