Chap. 19: Back to School

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Narrator's POV ~
       "School?" Law asked. "Yeah. School. Never heard of it?" Zephania then asked Law.

"I think I have. But could you explain what school is." Law said.
"Well, all I could say is that, school is where you get to learn and study many new and unknown things." She explained.

"Oh. School somehow sounds fun." Law said.

'Ugh.. It's the opposite of that.' I thought.

"I should be going. I'm going to be late. And I don't want that." She said and started to take her towel in her closet and started to walk outside to her bathroom.

"Do you need any help Hania?" Law smirked as he already knew her answer.


Few Minutes Later~
Zephania's POV ~
     I'm already done taking a bath. Done with changing into my school uniform clothing.

Then all I have to do now is eat breakfast, then off I go. I went into the kitchen and no one was there.

'I wonder where La- Ah never mind him. Let's see, what's for breakfast.'

I went to the fridge to see what was available. Bread and Nutella. Delicious. (A/N: Hehe, guys,I don't actually know if bread and nutella can be placed in the fridge without freezing it or spoiling it. We don't actually have a fridge so I can't relate. Hihihihi.)

I took them out of the fridge and sat down on the chair behind me. I placed them on then table. And then I started to make my sandwich.

"Hania. Where's your men clothing?" I heard Law's voice behind me while I was drinking my water.

So I turned around, and saw an I can't explain scene in front of me. Law was all half naked but a towel was wrapped around his waist down to his knees, with a confused look on his face.

"L-L-Law?!" And then I suddenly dropped my glass of water without thinking.

I observed his body and damn, it has a lot of tattoos, which was awesome.

"I'll melt if you keep staring at me like that." I finally snapped out as soon as I heard Law's voice.

"Shut up! I wasn't staring! Staring is different from just looking! And why the hell are you dressed like that?!" I shouted.

"You told me to be somehow normal. So I did." Law said. That made me shut up. He had a point. I did say that.

"But I didn't mean you should wear and walk around in towels only. Go and change."

"But only if you mean it. And let me use my magic again." I sighed. I gave up. He is hard to argue.

"Ugh.. Fine, just do your thing then. But just change now." I said as I started to clean on the broken glass on the floor.

"If you say so." he said and snapped his finger and then he wore regular clothes.

With the blue sweater that had fur on the collar, his spotted pants and with his spotted hat. I bent down to pick up the pieces of broken glass, but,


I got my finger cut. Then Law floated above and tried to see of what happened to me.

"What happened?" he asked, with a hint of concern in his voice.

"Nothing, I just got cut. Don't worry, I'll just patch this up with a bandage after I wash this up." I said. I turned around to face the sink and turned on the faucet.

"You know I can help. If only you just asked me." I heard Law said above me.

"No. I'd like to have it fair." After I washed my hands, then I went to one of my cabinets and took a bandaid.

"There. Fixed it." I said to myself. And I heard Law chuckled to himself above me.

I just ignored him and just continued to clean and sweep off the broken glasses.

After I was done, I immediately arranged my belongings in my bag and started to get ready to go to school.

"Are you just going to leave me here...Alone." I heard Law behind as I opened the door. I started thinking.

"Hmmm......... Yeah." And then I went off.

I got onto my first class on time and suddenly saw Ace after, I don't know how many days. But I still remembered what happened, and for now, I just ignored him.

Finally, it's like for the first time in forever. I am not late this time. But the teacher is still not here yet. So.... Another bonus. I'm not late.

But Big Bro isnt here yet. Maybe he got lost, again. A few minutes later, Our teacher, Mr. Shanks, came in with my brother Zoro.

"Take your seat Roronoa." Mr. Shanks said. And then Zoro went to his seat. I knew it. He did got lost.

"Everyone. I have a very special announcement. We are going to have a new student in our campus. May I remind the girls again, not to drool over him." He said.

'Pshhh... Remind them. Not me. I'm done having a relationship with guys...' I thought.

"Kyaa.. Mr.Shanks. Who is he?"

"Yeah. You said earlier 'not to drool over him.' So that must mean he's hot."

"OMG! I'm so excited!" The girls started squealing and fangirling.

"Okay, new student. Come in and introduce yourself to everyone." Mr.Shanks said to someone at the door.

I didn't pay any attention at all as I just looked away and stared at the window with a boring expression.

"Good morning everyone."

'Wait... That voice...'

"My name's Trafalgar Law. Nice to meet you all."

As soon as I heard his name, I turned to look at him. And he did the same and looked at me. And,, he winked, at me.



"So hot!"

My mouth hung open, as I just didn't care of the women in my class screaming.

I didn't notice Law was already in front of me. I then felt fingers on my chin as I noticed Law started to close my mouth.

"Didn't you hear what the teacher said, Hania?" And he leaned in closer to my ear and whispered, feeling the smirk on his face.

" 'Not to drool over me.' "

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