Chapter 30: Curiosity

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Narrator's POV ~
As soon as Zephania was able to sit up the bed, the first thing she wanted to know was
"What time is it?" she asked.

"It's 2am." Law replied.

"Oh no. Zoro nii-san must be hella worried. I gotta get home."

"In that state? Hell nah." Kid said.

"Stay here first and rest. Worry about that when you're fully healed. Doctor's order."

Law said as she placed her back down the bed. She just nodded lightly to him.

"Wait. You're a doctor?" Zephania asked and Law nodded.

"And this is your house?" she then looked at Kid.

"What about it?" Kid replied.

"It looks like a mansion. I thought you lived under a bridge." she said jokingly.

"Still have guts to joke around, eh shrimp." Kid said as he walked to the table and sat there.

"Hehe, yeah yeah Kiddo."

"But why were they after you shrimp? That Monet woman seemed to have a grudge." Kid asked.

"I dunno. Revenge maybe for hurting her stupid pride in front of Ace." Zephania answered.

Kid raised his eyebrows as a sign of confusion.

So Zephania sighed and explained, "Ace is my ex, who Monet took advantage of hooking up with him."

Kid frowned at her statement, but later ignored it, as he doesn't want to seem like he cared.

"So, what do you want to do? Do you want me to punish the one who did this to you." Law suddenly asked.

"I don't know. I haven't thought about it actually." she said.

"Huh?" "Huh?" Both Law and Kid were confused. After all they did to her, she never thought of revenge.

"If I had my revenge by punishing them, then they're gonna get revenge again. It's gonna be a never ending cycle full of revenge. So I gotta be the mature one to think about stopping it before it gets out of hand." she said.

"Well said shrimp. I kinda respect you now." Kid smirked.

"But." She added.

Then they both looked at her.

"I really wanna beat those fuckers!" Zephania said as she wore a dark sinister expression like she's about to murder somebody.

"Bwahahaha. Well said again shrimp. Leave that to us." Kid said with also a more sinister smile plastered on his face.

"Eh?" Zephania confused of what Kid's talking about, a bit freaked out by his expression.

"I actually lied Hania." Law who has been silent for a while started to talk. Zephania wondered what he lied to her about.

"I lied about having a curse if something happened to the necklace. I just said that so you wouldn't throw it away. It's my fault for lying. You could've escape and left the necklace." Law sat back down his chair beside Zephania's bed, feeling regretful.

"Well you'd still get hurt right?" she asked and he nodded.

"I'd rather get hurt than you." Law added. Zephania felt a bit flustered by what he said.

She just sighed and said "Well, now that you saved me, I can't do that anymore right. Guess I'll keep ya." and then she smiled.

"But don't get too comfortable." she added.

"Heh, you always say that." Law said as he smirked.

"And you never listen." she smiled finding the situation a bit hilarious.

"No. No I don't." Then they both started laughing.

'Gosh, I forgot how cool Law's laugh was. Wait, what?' Zephania thought.

Kid on the other was next to go silent as he had no idea what their conversation was all about.

"But you know, I really have to recover fast and get back. I know my brother is really worried why I'm not home. But, then, the problem is, if he sees me like this, he's gonna think it's his fault. For not being able to protect me. Just like our pa-"

"Just like your parents." Law cut Zephania's sentence off before she could finish. Zephania had her eyes wide in shock. He seemed to know a lot about her than she does. It freaked her out a bit.

"Y-You know?" She stuttered as she looked at him. Kid also looked at him wondering how he knows.

"Sort of. I had a hunch." He said to them.

"How? I never said anything to you." she said to Law.

"You did. In a way." he replied to her.

"What?" Zephania started to feel concerned of how or why Law knew so much about her. Law just gave out a deep sigh.

"I guess I'll tell you a bit of the truth. It's the least I could do for getting you in this situation. As for Eustass-ya, I guess he can listen, if he's not deaf. It's the very least I could for him helping us out." Law stated.

"Oi, what do you mean deaf!" No one listened to him.

"I actually met you Hania. In the past. A few centuries ago."

(A/N: Hey minna. Glad to see y'all. Don't forget to vote/comment if you liked it. Hehehe. Thank you and see ya next time. Stay safe🤗...)

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