Chapter 59: The Sandman

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Law's POV ~
After I transported Hania back home, I walked towards Mugiwara-ya's group and attempt to call out Hania's brother. Most of the people have left, leaving only a few students and teachers.

"Roronoa-ya." I called. He noticed me, and he talked to the group first before walking towards me.

"There's something I want to ask of you. I hope you'll agree to accept and respect it." I said with seriousness in my tone.

"What is it?" he sat down as he asked.

"I want to ask for Hania's hand in marriage. But before I do that, I ask for your blessing as her only blood relative."

"You don't look like the type to ask something as permission. Why bother Law?"

"Because I care so much for your sister. Hania loves her brother very much, so I ask this in respect for her and you."

"So, you're asking for my blessing, for you to marry my little sister."


"Give me a good reason why I shouldn't cut you up right now."

"Well, Hania would cut you up just as good."

"Fair point."

He stayed silent for quite a while, closing his eyes to think. Then he sighed deeply and looked back at me.

"Whether I give you my blessing or not, that wouldn't stop Hania from saying yes to you. So I guess I've got to accept it."

"You have my deep thanks Roronoa-ya."

"Yeah yeah, now go on. I have to get back to the gang." He said and walked back to his group.

Finally, I feel as if a weigh has been lifted from me. Visiting that jewelry store the other day gave me some ideas on what kind of ring I should give her.

Now, I can finally propose to the only woman I've always loved, giving her this ring I purposely made just for her with my powers. I have to prepare for the event. I have to make it special for her. Before that, I have to go back. I'll ask her to eat out together later.

I teleported back at the apartment. I walked up to the door, but I stopped as soon as I saw red stain at the doorstep. Is this blood?

I looked at the door, it was unlocked and there were holes that seemed like gun fire. Something must've happened to Hania. This is bad. Processing the situation, I immediately summoned my long sword and got ready.



I used my ability to check if there were other presence inside. Surprisingly, there was none. I quickly opened the door and saw the place in such a mess, the bedroom door was broken. It looked like there was a struggle, looking as there were blood splatter everywhere. Then I saw a note with Hania's katana pinned to it.

*If you want to see her again. Meet us here as soon as you read this, don't tell anyone and come alone, or you'll see her head roll at your doorstep by sunrise.*

Fuck, somebody took Hania. I have to go get her. Just as everything was finally coming along, shit actually happens. Damnit!

~ Earlier ~

Zephania's POV ~
"Hello miss Roronoa Zephania." a man's voice came up behind me and broke off the necklace from my neck, taking it. I immediately turned around, but nobody was there. Just some dusty sand floating in the air. Someone took the necklace, which means they know something about Law.


"Ah!" a gun was fired from the inside. Shit, it glazed my cheek. I immediately ducked down. They must've known that I could call for help with the necklace. Shit, how'd they know. Only few of us know about this.


They fired again. I ducked down and walked around the apartment, going through the bedroom window. Luckily no one was there, so I climbed in.

I took my long katana which I hid from the closet. It's unlikely that they'll leave if I talk to them, they already fired at me and they're gonna pay for it.

I then unsheathed my katana and position myself at the door.

"One sword style, Gust Pierce!" I swung my katana, breaking the door and shot my attack, affecting damage to the ones who were outside.

I started to walk out after the dust cleared. Then I saw six men knocked out on the ground, covered in blood. They stood no chance against my power after training together with my brother. But it's a good thing that was over.

"Whenever you want something done, you have to do it yourself." The cold voice I heard from earlier came up again from behind me.

"An attack from behind is cowardly!" I shouted and swung my katana behind me as I turned around.

What I saw was clearly a man with a long scar across his face, who I think I cut in half, but was still alive. His body was just floating in a sand like structure. Don't tell me, he's a power user.

I swung my katana again, and it still passed through him.

"Foolish girl. You can't beat me." he said and formed back into a whole human form. Then I noticed his other arm, was a golden hook, where I saw the necklace was wrapped hanging.

"Return that necklace to me." I stated.

"No." he said, then suddenly I noticed a shadow came up behind me. Before I could react, they hit my head and I blacked out.

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