Chapter 27: Safe

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Kid's POV ~
"TRAFALGAR!" I screamed.

That bastard better heard me. I can't leave her like this.

Then Trafalgar appeared out of nowhere.

"Did you find h-" he stopped mid sentence as he realized who I was holding.

"H-Hania." I could hear his voice break as he said her name.

He fell to his knees as he tried to reach her from me and took her to rest on his arms.

What's with him. They're just classmates right? And Trafalgar just transfered.

He noticed something in her hands, it was the necklace. His hands started shaking as he reached her face and gently caressed her cheeks.

I noticed there was a lot of blood on me.

She was losing a lot of blood. That's not good.

"Oi, Trafalgar. We got to get her treated right away. She's losing a lot of blood." I said to him.

He's frozen. He seemed to still be in shock.

"Oi Trafalgar, do you want her to die!" Then he snapped out of it.

"I-I have to treat her, I have to save her. I can't lose her. Not again!"

Huh? Again?

"You can teleport us right? Bring her to my house. We've got complete equipments there." I suggested and showed him the location on my phone.

"Okay. Get her things and we'll go." Tch, ordering me around.

I stood up and grabbed her bag and the plastic bag she was reaching earlier and a camera. I went back to them, then Trafalgar snapped his fingers and we were now inside my house. Weird ability.

Narrator's POV ~
As soon as they both disappeared.

Someone accidentally spied on them from the shadows.

"What was that? He's got a weird power. I better report this to the Boss." Then he called their headquarters.

"Hello. I have a report to the boss. Get him on line for me." the spy said.

"What do you want." the boss said through the phone.

"I saw a person with interesting power. You might want to have this one in your organization."

"If It's for my convenience. Keep an eye on that one."

"Yes Boss."

Kid's POV ~
"Take her to this room, this is our operating room." I guided him and went inside.

"Wait outside Eustass-ya. Don't let anyone bother this room." he said.

"Tch, like I would." I said, then he closed the door. No one is here though. I sometimes live alone. My old man always come and go, weird business. Makes a lot of money though.

I realized I still had her bag, but I'll give it later. What is this plastic she's trying to reach.

I opened it, and it looked like a smashed phone. Why would she want this.

This camera, why does she have one. I looked at the screen, and it was still recording. Creepy.

I stopped the recording, and tried to play it.

"-Porche, record this! It's time we humiliate this trash."

"Already on it."

This video, don't tell me.!

Law's POV ~
Damnit! Damnit! Damnit! Damnit! DAMNIT!

How did this happen to her! How could I let this happen! I have to treat her quick. I can't do genie magic on her unless she wishes this to herself. There's a limit of what I can do as a ganie. She needs to wish for this one, but she's unconscious. I'll just have to do it medically.

Time Skip ~
The operation was successful. Thank goodness. All she needs now is rest.

I walked out the door, and see Eustass-ya covered in blood while holding a camera with a dark expression.

"She's going to be fine." I said. He's still silent.

"What is it?" I asked. Still no reply.

Maybe he's just mad that he got messy. He doesn't want to talk, so I'll just go back inside.

"Hey, Trafalgar." I stopped and turned to look at him.

"What would you do to the ones who did this to her?"

He then tossed me Hania's bag and a small plactic bag that he was holding and caught it. Then he tossed another, it was a camera.

"What's this?" I asked.

"Not for the faint of heart." he said and walked away. What does he mean? I just played the camera.

"-Porche, record this! It's time we humiliate this trash."

"Already on it."

This is!

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