Chapter 36: Mixed Feelings

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Zephania's POV ~
"Can we talk?" Ace? Why does he suddenly want to talk to me?

"We have nothing to talk about." I answered as I walked away from him. But he suddenly grab my hand.

"Please?" he pleaded. He had this sad look in his eyes, that I somehow couldn't deny. Then Law grabbed Ace's arm that was holding mine.

"She said she doesn't want to. Let go." Law said to him. I lightly tapped Law's arm and he looked at me and I sighed.

"It's okay Law. I'll be quick. Go wait out here." I said to him and he let go of Ace's arm, then Ace lets go of mine.

We started walking towards the kitchen, while Law waited out at one of the tables of the cafe.

"So, what is it?" I asked first, but he just stared at me, for quite a while. When he opened his mouth, the first thing he said was, "I really missed you." which surprised me a bit. I didn't talk back and waited for him to continue.

"We haven't got a chance to talk since, that day. I know what I did back then was something I never thought I'd do to you. It was foolish of me and I really regret it. I'm really sorry." he added.

"You should be sorry and you should regret it. For the rest of your life. I trusted you, after all we've been through, and this is what you do." I said to him.

"I'm sorry. It was a mistake I could never take back. What happened, was all just an accident. I was careless. But I never stopped loving you, Hania." he said, walking slowly towards.

"Even if that's true, you can never change what you did." I said as I also backed up from him.

"I know I can't undo it. I just want to explain my part to you, you still deserve an explanation, although it won't change anything. I was really careless, I didn't know Monet spiked my drink, I got so drunk and my vision was hazy that I thought the green haired woman in front of me, was you. By the time I got sobered up, I realized I made a really huge mistake. That's why I had to break up with you, because I couldn't handle lying to you about it. I promise we didn't do it, even if it was you, you know we wouldn't have done until after marriage. We planned that together." He was now in front of me. I felt something warm on my face. I didn't realize I was already crying. I didn't want to cry, but it still hurts.  He cupped my face, wiping away my tears.

"Monet confessed that nothing serious happened. We just kissed and slept together, just slept. She said she did it because she was jealous of you. I'm so sorry Hania." he explained as he removed his hand from my face while I looked at him. He looked and sounded sincere. I don't know what to think.

I know, even though it was an accident, what he did was still not right. I just couldn't accept it. But I can't help it. I was still hurt. It really broke me.

"I really, want to forget it. I really do. But it just hurts, so much, to think that I could ever be, with you again. You're a good man Ace, I know that for a fact. But, I'm sorry. I have to let you go. I know, you'll find someone you deserve and someone that deserves you the most." I cried as I said those.

"Is it because of that guy, Law?" Why does he think that. How could he ask that. Does he want to blame someone of why I can't go back with him?

"Don't involve Law into this. This has nothing to do with him." I said to him.

"But, do you love him?" I suddenly paused for a bit. But, why? I think he noticed I paused from crying. But why did I stop for a second, thinking about that question.

Even I don't really know the answer to that question. It's making me confused, everything is just hurting. Like literally. My body is aching all of the sudden.

"That doesn't concern you at all. It's none of your business anymore." I replied. Ugh, everything is hurting. Literally everything. Maybe I should've stayed back to rest.

"I know. I really wished sometimes that we'd get back together. But I know that's not possible anymore. Just know that, I still love you." He said then started leaving.

Ugh, I feel dizzy.

"Ace." I called before he could leave. He stopped on his tracks and looked at me.

"Monet doesn't deserve you." was all I said and wiped my tears. He just smiled at me before he could walk away. But before I realized it, my body felt heavy, my vision darkened and I fainted.

Ace's POV ~
"Monet doesn't deserve you." I felt reassured by those words, thinking she still believes I'm a good person. I just smiled at Hania before walking away. As I was about to take my next step, I heard a loud thud coming from behind me. I looked back, and I saw her body on the ground.

"HANIA!" I shouted and rushed by her side. I held her body and gently shrugged her.

I noticed someone running through the kitchen. It was Law. He quickly dropped to the floor to check on Hania.

"I have to get her home. She needs some rest. I shouldn't have let her work today." he said while he was trying to take her body from me.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Look, I'm a doctor. I can take care of her. So hand her to me." he suggested. I don't know but, since Hania trusts him, I guess I should too.

"Why is she like that? What happened?" I asked again. I'm really confused of what's happening.

"The woman that you replaced her with, did this to her. Hania is too good to get revenge. She said she'll stop this revenge cycle with just her, who got hurt the most. So why don't you deal with that woman instead. Let's see if you still care about Hania." he said then walked away. I heard a finger snapped and a camera suddenly appeared out of nowhere in front of me  both Law and Hania disappeared. There was a video on the camera, and I played it.

After the video ended, I felt rage and guilt, realizing that it was my fault to begin with. I never should've involved Hania with Monet. I'll make that woman pay for what he did to Hania.

After I locked up the cafe, I went to Monet's residence. She had big mansion with a large garage for her cars, even though she could fly. I rang the bell, and she opened the door. She looked happy to see me, which made me angrier.

"Hey Ace~. What's up." I sat down to the couch opposite to hers.

"I want you to stop bullying Hania." I said with a serious tone.

"Oh, your ex? I never bullied her, she was the one who bullied me." she said with such a concerned voice, clearly it was fake.

"Don't play dumb with me. I know everything. I saw everything." I then showed her the video camera. Her jaw dropped and started to get nervous. I could see her sweating so much. She knows she's busted. She couldn't say anything.

"This will be my first and final warning. If your ever get near Hania again, this won't be the only thing you'll get." I said and stood up. Nobody needs to see this recording, so I'll burn it, I'm doing this for Hania.

I left her there and started walking out. I went to her garage to do something quickly, then left. Then I heard her screaming, I guess she found out that I burned her garage full of her precious cars. I bet she'll stop now. That'll teach her a lesson. No one messes with Hania.

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