Chapter 67: Deadly

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Narrator's POV ~
"I'm sorry Hania. Just know that I'll always love you, even if I'm not with you anymore." Law just looked at Zephania, wearing a sad smile.

It didn't matter to Law if he died for Hania, because he believes everything he's doing is for her. He'll do anything for her and his new found companions.

What he wouldn't have guessed, was this was also what Zephania felt.

"Now, no one can stop me! I'll be invincible! Bwahahahaha!"

"Guys. I've got it! I've got the evidence along with the contracts and some tapes." Vivi then finally came out of the office.

"What!" Crocodile looked at Vivi's direction, slightly felt panicking since they've got the evidence they needed against him.

Crocodile plans to attack Vivi, but with Crocodile distracted, this gave Zephania the opportunity to run with her might to reach the necklace and snatched it from his neck and steal the key. Crocodile finally noticed his mistake, but Zephania knew she couldn't keep it with her, so she threw them away, up in the air and called "Robin!"

"Leave it to me. Dos Fluer!" Robin caught the key and necklace with her ability as it dropped.

Zephania smiled in relief. With Zephania's courage and taking action, meant sacrificing everything, even her life.

"You shouldn't have done that." Zephania heard Crocodile's voice from behind her, and she quickly turned around pointing her sword out. But Crocodiles vanished.

"I don't care! As long as Law can be free from- ahck!"

"ZEPHANIA!!!" Luffy and Law screamed.
Crocodile reappeared again behind her, immediately stabbing her in the back passing through her abdomen with his poisoned hook.

"Dumb brat. Now the deal is off." After stabbing her, Crocodile tried to take back his hook, but it wouldn't budge. He looked at what went wrong, to his surprise, Zephania was actually holding the other end of his poisoned hook, wearing a smirk on her face.

"What the-"

"Luffy! Break it!" Luffy immediately knew what to do, and got up and ran towards their direction.

Crocodile still confused, finally noticed what was going on. The blood from her stab that was dripping down to his arms, was starting to solidify it.

"RAAAGGHH!!!" Luffy finally reached them and smashed the other end part of the hook attached to his arm which wasn't poisoned, with his feet, breaking it to pieces. Zephania almost fell, but got up using her sword as a cane.

Zephania noticed Law screaming and shouting, but she had a hard time hearing as her ears started ringing, and her head throbbing. Then she looked back at her opponent.

"Heh, blood is also liquid. It can also solidify your ability. Who's dumb now." Zephania then raised her sword and cut her arm, covering her entire blade with her blood.

"This, will be my final counter." she said, closing her eyes and took a deep breath, sensing the presence around her, calming her body stance, concentrating all her energy for her last attack.

"One sword style, Blood Wave!" with her final attack covered mostly Crocodile with blood.

"I leave the rest to you, Luffy."

"RAAAGHH!! LEAVE IT TO ME!" Luffy angrily screamed and charged at Crocodile.
While Zephania slowly started walking towards Law's cage, while limping.

"Robin. Give it to me please." She called, then a hand appeared on the ground. She fell on her knees trying to grab it, and was having a hard time searching for it as her vision started getting blurry.

"H-Hania." she heard Law's breaking voice. She finally got the key that opened both the cage and his hand cuffs.

"I'm here Law." feeling the poison starting to spread, she collapsed from losing too much blood, dripping from the hole on her stomach.

"Hania." Law whispered crying.

"I'm still here."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"GUMO-GUMO NO STORM!!!" As Luffy's final attack finally knocked Crocodile unconscious resulting his defeat and Luffy's victory, but Luffy still felt like he did not win as his nakama was badly injured, not knowing if she'll make it or not.

When Vivi finally got through the out of the office, she ran to Zephania's side, the same with the injured Robin, jumping down the roof and walked to her badly injured friend.
Then the building was starting shake.

"Law-san. Take Hania, we need to get out of here. The building is starting to collapse." Vivi said to Law. Law was frozen in shock at his beloved as he felt her life slowly being drained away.

"LAW-SAN!" Vivi cried and shook Law. Law finally snapped and immediately stood up and conjured his ability.



In replace of rocks, Vivi, Luffy, Robin, Franky, Brook, and Law carrying Zephania in his arms, even the unconscious Crocodile for the Strawhat's evidence, were teleported outside the field where Zoro and Nami were fighting earlier.

At this point, all of the Strawhats finally defeated each of their opponents at the same time, injured and tired, but still gathered up to the field in front of the building.

They saw Law dropped to the ground, holding Zephania in his arms, who was hanging on to her life. They all rushed to their side.





They all called out to her. Zoro dropped his swords and fell to the ground.
"Hania." whispering her little sister's name.

"Heh, w-what's wrong with you all. You all l-look so down, we won didn't we?" Zephania started to speak.

"W-Wait. Let me try and fix you." Chopper said and rummaged through his bag and started analyzing her with his equipments.

Law who was still silent, felt rage at the sight of his beloved that got hurt instead of him.

"You! Why didn't you protect her! You-"

"Nii-san!" Zoro closed his mouth when Zephania shouted.

"This isn't Law fault. It was my decision to come here, not him. It was my fault that he got caught in the first place. So please, don't blame him nii-san." Zephania said to his brother. Zoro fell silent, respecting his sister's words and just nodded.

*sniffle* *sniffle*

Then they noticed Chopper crying.

"What is it Chopper!" Usopp asked. But Chopper cried harder.

"I-It's no use. I-I can't stop the poison!"

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