Chapter 42: Regular Days?

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Zoro's POV ~
A few days have passed since the day I found out about everything. Regarding Zephania, and about Crocodile.

I haven't been home often. The Strawhat gang, including me, were all sleeping recently together at the Thousand Sunny Go.

Zephania doesn't seem to be having a problem about her being emotionless. She doesn't complain at all either. If she thinks she's hungry, she just buys something to eat. Even though when the gang still hangs out with her, including me, she's always spaced out. Like she doesn't give a thing about anything. They still try their best to at least cheer her up, if it's possible.

I'm just relieve that Law is always with her, though he's one of the reasons she's like this. But he's always there for her, whenever I couldn't.

Everyone became acquainted with Law, specially Luffy, who's always having a hard time pronouncing his name, calling him Tra-guy instead. Law would sometimes argue with ero-cook there whenever he flirts with my sister, apparently I also get into their fight, since this is my little sister specially since it's that nosebleeding pervert cook.

Sometimes, I also notice one of the hotshots gang of the school, Eustass Kid tagging along, while I notice his own gang follow silently behind them. It doesn't seem like he has evil intentions for my sister. I guess that's a good thing also, no one attempts to bother her while their both around, besides our gang. I also heard about what Ace did to Monet's properties, burning them, while Law and Eustass Kid destroying her last car, as to show off their punishment for what she did to Zephania.

As for Crocodile, I've discussed everything with the gang. For the past few days, whenever class ended, we'd go gather more information regarding the casino Rain Dinners, about their employees, security, building structures and other possible routes.

A few days from now, when we're finally able to finalize our plan, we're breaking in, beat Crocodile and finally hand him over for his crimes. We'll let Nami handle, rather steal, all the contracts he's been handling with other big shots and list of the things he's smuggle to the country. I'm gonna finish the things what my parents couldn't.

Law's POV ~
At this point, exams were finally over, and in a few days will be the graduation. We already asked the cafe owner for permission for a short leave from work because of the exams and graduation. She gladly understood and accepted.

As for those men who were looking for Hania, they were apparently killed in order to silence them so they won't spill who they work for. It bothers me a bit. Gladly, nothing has happened whatsoever, even if they've given up, I'll protect Hania.

Hania and I were about to leave the classroom, when Eustass-ya tagged along. It's getting really annoying. I honestly think he really cares about Hania. He might even like her. He just tags along up until the school gate then we go our separate ways. What a freaking weirdo.

"You must be tired walking. Do you want to teleport directly back home?" I suggested.

"I don't mind." she answered. So I snapped my fingers and we were immediately back at her apartment, specifically, their living room.

"You're lucky Law. You being a genie must be great. It must be such a blessing to be able to be anything you want and have everything you need." Hania suddenly said as sson as we immediately got back. Did she always thought about it like that?

"It's nothing like that. It's rather a curse than a blessing actually. Well, it's a blessing sometimes, because I got to meet you." I said. She just looked at me as she stood from across the room.

Why was she looking at me like that. Her expression might be blank, but the look in her eyes says something. I can't quite tell what it is, or if possible, she's starting to actually feel something. But that can't be possible. The only way for her to return is if she wishes her emotions and feelings back.

We just stood there in silence, as I waited for her to converse again with me, but instead, she just looked away.

"I'm going in my room. Please don't come in." she said and started walking towards her room while I stood there in silence, watching her as she went in and closed the door.

Zephania's POV ~
As soon as I went in and closed the door to my room, I leaned back to it and glided down.


What is this? I'm having a hard time breathing properly. I also noticed in the past few days I've been with Law, it's harder and harder for me to breath, but I never show it. What is going on with me.

At first I thought it might have been about taking the exams which was making me act up like this. I don't have asthma either. Exams were finally over, so I should feel relaxed, but I'm actually not.

Earlier, I suddenly said something to Law, where his answer was not to my expectations. I just stared at him directly as I tried calming my breathing. It was a good thing I was across the room from him, otherwise he would've noticed something was wrong. But something is wrong. I don't know what.

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