Chapter 39: Headstart

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Zoro's POV ~
It was already evening by the time I noticed. Zephania was still sleeping. Law was like, guarding her. I'm starting to really believe in his feelings for her. What if he's the only one who can change her back.

I looked at my watch, it was already time for my night shift at the bar.

"Oi, Law." I called and he looked at me.

"Watch over her for me." I said and he just nodded.

I went to my room to change some clothes for work, and then got out and drove back to the bar.

It was kind of boring, seeing the same faces everytime, yet no new lead.

A few minutes later, a woman with light blue hair came in, wearing a man's clothing. She was so familiar. I looked closer and he noticed me. She looked away immediately, she definitely knows me. I walked up to her, and as I got closer, I finally realized who she is.

"Vivi?" It was definitely Vivi. Vivi and my gang are very close friends, though she's not from our section, she's more on the elite section of our year.

"Ssshhh, Mr. Bushido. Don't call me that. I'm going undercover." she said.

"For what?" so I asked.

"My partner bodyguard, Igaram confirmed earlier that our last operation was a dud. The organization we handed over was a fake. That means the real one is still active."


"Yes. I was following that man over there. He's the closest lead I've got." Vivi said and pointed out a man sitting in one of the counters drinking. I noticed that he was always here every night, but he doesn't have that intimidating wealthy aura like the other customers. I decided to help out Vivi, and it might even help me out with my case too.

Vivi's POV ~
I met Mr. Bushido at the bar, and told him what I was doing. He then approached the man I was following and got him to follow him at the back. A few minutes later, only Mr. Bushido came out without the man. He wore a dark expression on his face.

"Vivi." he called. I went closer.

"He said something about Mr.0 and a casino. If you know something, tell me now." Mr. Bushido said. After hearing all that, I finally get it.

"Wait, I think I do know. It all makes sense Mr. Bushido. That man meant to say, the secret organization is being managed by the owner of the casino, which they call the boss as Mr.0, and there is only one casino in this country that could have possibly be able to gather such organization." I whispered to him so nobody could ease drop on us.

"Rain Dinners, the casino owned by Crocodile." Mr. Bushido said. So he knows. But it doesn't seem like it's any news to him. It's like he's been waiting for this answer for a long time.

"I appreciate your lead on this Vivi. Now I can get a head start on this. I gotta go tell the gang. Oi manager! I quit!" he said and jumped across the counter and blurted out of the bar. The bar fell into silence, as was I. I didn't quite get what was going on with him, but now, I have to return to tell Igaram about the new information I found.

Zoro's POV ~
I ran out of the bar and went to my car. I took out my phone and called the gang I'm gonna tell them everything.

"Guys. Let's meet up at the Thousand Sunny Go hang out. I've got information on our leads."

"Okay!" They all said and we all hung up. I can't tell Hania about this. The more she knows, the more she'll be in danger. I can't get her involve in this. Specially with her situation right now. I entrust her with Law as of now.

Upon years of waiting and tracking them, I finally found the person responsible for our parent's death.

(A/N: Lol, thinking Zoro as a bartender suits him, but I think he'd rather drink the drinks than serve the drinks. HAHAHA 🤣😂🤣😂
Welp, I hope you liked it, stay tuned. Don't forget to vote or comment minna. Love y'all and stay safe...)

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