Chapter 71: Living Lives

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Narrator's POV ~
After the burial, they start going off their ways, saying their goodbyes to each other.

Kid and Ace met at the airport, but with different flight destinations. Kid conveyed to Ace Zephania's message, for both of them. It led to Ace smiling, thinking that she still thought of him even through her final moments, and so did Kid. After that, they went their separate ways.

They still grieved and mourned at the moment. But as time flew by, they knew they had to go on with their lives without her. They just believe that she was always there beside them, watching over her friends and loved ones.

While Law on the other hand, never lost hope. He started to have a life there, since he was actually free now. His curse was broken after being trapped in that necklace. Luckily he still remained a genie. It must be fate that's giving him another chance.

From time to time, he would teleport to different places and parts around the world in search for Zephania, and would come back after.

He even applied work as a doctor, specializing a surgeon, also giving him the chance to go to other places as a doctor while also in search for her. Everyday he worked hard, trying this opportunity in life that Zephania gave to him, and everyday, he would visit Zephania's grave whenever he needed to see her as his search for her is still on going.

As for the gang, Luffy became a professional adventurer, Zoro became a swordsman master teacher, Nami became a geographer, Usopp a botanist, Sanji a professional chef, Chopper a doctor, Franky an architect, Robin became an archeologist, and Brook became a music coach. Kid actually became an engineer and Ace owned his own company now.

The next chapter of their lives has now started.

While Law's is still on going.

A few centuries later ~

Law's POV ~

"Listen Law. You know someday, you are going to meet someone you will love more than your books."

"Be quiet Cora-san, I'm still studying."

"I just don't want you to be alone."

"I won't be alone, because I have you Cora-san."

"I'm just saying, I can't always be around forever. Someday, and anytime, I will grow old and I will die. I want you to find your love. Someone that makes you wants to be with forever, someone you want have a life with, marry and have a family together. Someone you want to grow old with and die with."

"Eh? But Cora-san, I don't have time for that. I still have to finish studying."

"Hahahaha, someday Law, when you're older and more mature, you will understand. When you finally do, you never wanna let go."

~End of Flashback~

A dream? No, it was a memory, of someone also very important to me. Even though I haven't got the chance to meet that man again in these lives, but it still feels like he's still looking out for me.

Cora-san was right. Now that I finally found someone who I want to spend ny entire life with, I never wanna let go. I'm not gonna waste this second chance. Just now, I woke up and just in time to get ready to start my shift.

Early in the morning was already tiring. They sent all of their injured patients to me, since I am now the world's greatest doctor, owning my own hospital named 'Hearts Estate' and have also found and discovered treatments of many new unknown diseases and toxicities. I have also treated so many lives along the way. It's just unfortunate and frustrating I couldn't do the same to Hania last time.

It was my lunch break and I passed on my shift to my close colleagues, Shachi and Penguin, with my assistant Bepo.

Apparently I met them in this lifetime again. They are actually good at their job, worth of my praise.

I went out to eat at a certain cafe. Apparently the cafe we used to work at still stands and is the most popular in the country. The ownership was passed on from generation to generation of Makino's family.

I went inside and just ordered a coffee. The whole place was packed, but there was only one seat left, in front of a person wearing a hood. It was tiring to go somewhere else, so I sat there bringing my coffee. I scanned through my phone while I drank my coffee, and within my timeline, I saw Eustass-ya's name.

Apparently, he's now a celebrity, and has a popular band, with same members as his gang. They never changed.

Then I noticed the man wearing a hoodie, trying to cover his face with a sunglass in front of me. There was somethinf familiar with him As I observed more, I recognized those dark red lips.

"Eustass-ya?" I said, and I think he heard me.

"N-No. You got the wrong person asshole." his voice was the same as Eustass-ya, also that same cussing mouth.

"Even as a celebrity, you're still a brute." I just chuckled.

"What did yo- Ah!"

"There you are! Do you think you can get away from your me?" A woman with long pink hair suddenly came over and smacked his head.

"Manager Bonney?" Eustass-ya said.

"Stop running away from rehearsals you idiot! You're friends are waiting!"

"Tch, whatever you hag."

"What did you call me!" The woman named Bonney pinched his ear, dragging him outside the cafe.

"Now that's someone way in your league." I scoffed as I continued drinking my coffee. A minute later, someone sat at the seat in front of me, where Eustass-ya used to sit earlier. I didn't bother looking to who it was as I continued to scan through my phone. After I was finished, I walked out of the cafe.

I still had time before I go back. So I decided to visit Hania's grave again and replaced her old flowers with new ones. I just smile whenever I visit, still waiting for her. This is my favorite place to go to when my mind searches for peace.

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