Chap. 9: Guardian Genie

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Zephania's POV ~
"Why are you here?"I asked as I folded my arms on my chest.

"I just wanted to see the place where my master works. So this is it." he said.

"Okay. Don't call me master alright. Not here." I said.

"Okay. Then, what shall I call you?" he asked.

"Just, uh, Hania is fine." I said. I didn't have much of a choice.

"Very well, Hania. I am here to just observe and watch you, 24/7. That's one of the duties of being a genie like me." he said.

"Ugh, fine. Just, don't get too comfortable with me. Now go. Shoo." I said. He can do what he wants. I don't care. As long as he can observe from afar.

"Sure." he said and went back inside the cafe.

What is he doing? "Hey, what are doing?" I asked as I followed him inside.

"I just want to have a business talk with your manager." he said while walking. And I just followed him.

"Why?" I asked.

"Can't I?" he said and stopped walking and looked at me. I stopped too. I didn't realize that we were already in front of Miss Makino's Office.

I then glared at him and said, "Whatever." Then I knocked on the door of Miss Makino's Office and said,

"Uhm, Miss Makino? Someone wants to see you."

"Okay. Tell them to come in." she said from inside the room. Well, if she says so. I then opened the for Law to enter. And after he went inside, I left and went back to continue my work.

Time Skip ~
"Okay, everyone. Gather around in my office." I heard Miss Makino announced through the kitchen. And every one of us stopped what we were doing and gathered inside Miss Makino's Office.

"Everyone, I'd like to introduce to you, our new worker. He's name is Trafalgar Law." Miss Makino said, as she pointed at Law who was standing beside her.

"E-Eh? N-Nani?" I suddenly bursted out loud. And I noticed everyone's attention was on me.

"What's wrong Zephania?" Miss Makino asked while looking at me confused.

"N-Nothing. P-Please, continue." I stuttered.

"Hmm, anyway. He said he wanted this job badly, so I really couldn't refuse. I told himthat he could start next week, but he said he had a reason to really do this job. So, I couldn't refuse either. So minna, say your hello and welcome to our new workmate." Miss Makino announced.

"Kyaaaa~ Law!"

"Welcome Law. I hope we could be close friends~."

"Me too." The girls, even Vivi squeled.

"Hey Law, come hang out with us sometime."

"Yeah, teach us how to pick up some chicks." Then there's this two guys of ours, admiring him. Ugh, I don't understand what he has that makes them all drool over him.

"Okay everyone. That's enough. Why don't you all get back to work. There are still costumers outside." Miss Makino scolded them.

"Hai." We all said.

"Uhm, wait a minute Zephania." I heard Miss Makino.

"Eh?" I then turned back around to face her.

"Why don't you accompany Law here to the men's changing room so that he could change into his working clothes, and try to give him a quick tour in our cafe. It won't be that hard to ask now, would it." she said.

Well, I can't disobey my boss, so, "Sure Miss Makino." I have no choice but to obey. And then, I walked outside with Law beside me. I led him to the men's changing room.

"Here's the changing room. You might be able to find clothes that fits you. Good luck." I boringly said, with no hint of emotions expressed in my words. I just didn't care. And I don't want to.

"Oh? So this is it?" he asked, and I nodded.

"Really? You're not going to accompany me inside."

"Eh?" I was shocked at his words. I looked up at him and saw him smirking down at me.

"W-Wha- Ah!" he suddenly grabbed me by the arm and dragged me inside the men's changing room. And I then realized the position I was in.

Law was pinning me against the wall, while both of my hands were pinned beside me by him. "What's the meaning of this!? Let me go." I struggled to let myself escape from him. But his grip was too strong.

"Eh? Now that won't be fun now, would it?" he started leaning in closer to my face slowly. It's no use. I can't break free. I can't, and he's getting closer. If I don't do something, he gonna close the gap between our faces. No, I don't want to be with anyone. I don't want to be owned by anyone, ever again. But, I can't do anything in this situation.

So I just closed my eyes shut, just wanting it to end.


"Ouch!" he, pinched my cheek.

"Heh, you look cute when you're scared." he said and bqcked away from me.

"Oi, why the hell did you do that!?" I asked him.

"Hmm, you're just fun to tease with. Why? Do you want more than that?" he said and started to walk to a locker.

'This guy's making fun of me.' I thought.

He then took something out of the locker. It was the men's working clothes.

"Hmm, I think I can make something like this." I heard him say. And with a snap of his fingers, he was already wearing he same working out as the one he's holding. And it's not that bad.

"Well Hania? What do you think? Will you start to like me now?" he said as he placd back the clothes inside the locker. This bastard.

"Shut up! Those are just clothes! Don't think I'd fall for something like that so easily, baka!" I shouted at him.

"Haha, you're really fun to tease." he just laughed at me.

"Stop making fun of me!" I shouted again.

"Eh? What's going on? Why is it so loud in here? Did something happen?" I then noticed Vivi's voice. I looked at the doorway and saw Vivi standing there.

"V-Vivi?" And then she noticed me.

"Eh? Zephania? What're you doing here? This is the men's changing room. And, why are you with Law-san?" she asked.

Uh, what should I tell her. I don't know wat to explain. I can't tell her what happened. It would be embarrassing.

"I just asked her to help me out in here, since I'm still new here."


"Oh, really. Well then, you should get ready, there are costumers outside waiting." Vivi said, and then looked at Law from head to toe.

"Eh, you look good in that. well, good luck in your first day Law-san." she added and then walked away.

"See? She thinks I look good in this too." I didn't get to say anything. But, still, I'm saved.

"Let's go, Hania." I then realized that Law was already standing beside and he placed his arm around my shoulder.

"Uhm, I told you, don't get too comfy with me. We are still strangers to each other." I said and took his arm on my shoulders away from me.

"And yet, you let me call you Hania." he smirked as he said that.

"Shut up. I don't want you calling my name either. So I don't have a choice. Baka Law." I said.

"Yeah yeah. Let's go." he said and started walking outside the room. And soon, I followed.

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