Chapter 50: Hot Mornings

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Zephania's POV ~

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I woke up to the hearing of a heartbeat with a warm figure around me. It was Law. So it wasn't a dream. Everything happened, it was real. It was so real. I still just couldn't believe it. It felt like living in a dream at that moment. It's a moment I'll never be able to forget.

We were both still in bed, naked, covered by the blankets, embracing each other. I don't want to get up yet. I embraced him a bit more.

"Good morning." I heard him said. He's actually awake.

"G-Good morning." early in the morning and I just stuttered. I then slowly moved back to look at him, and he did so too. We both gaze at each other for a bit, then he opened his mouth to talk.

"Let's go on a date." the first conversation he makes after what happened and he wants to go on a date already. I'm not complaining though.

"Sure. I'd love to." I said to him and smiled. He kissed my forehead and nodded in agreement.

"I'm gonna go wash up first." I said as I tried to get up, but then I noticed my body ached a little bit, and my legs was a bit numb and shaking. Could it be?

"That's probably from last night." I heard Law said while he sat up beside me. I felt my face heat up when he said those and remembered what happened last night.

"I-I'm fine. This is nothing." I said and tried to get up a second time. I slowly raised my legs to put down on the floor and lifted myself up, covering myself with the blanket, but failed when I fell back the bed again.

I heard Law chuckle from behind me. Then he started to stand up and walked towards me, standing in front of me, still bare naked.

What is he gonna do? My face felt like it was burning from embarrassment.

"Allow me." he said and carried me up in his arms bridal style. I immediately wrapped my arms around his neck as the blanket fell off and he started walking towards the bathroom. He puts me down on the bath tub and turned on the water.

When the water has finally filled the tub, he suddenly gets in and sat behind me, while I sat an inch between his legs that cornered me.

"Don't think I'd let you wash up alone when you couldn't even walk." he whispered in my ears which sent my body shivers. I don't know how to react to that. I just awkwardly sat there in front of him.

"I'll clean your back for you. Relax." he softly said and tucked my hair to my front and he started to wash my back. I felt him put the viscous soap on my back as it dripped down. Then he slowly massaged it on my back.

I felt his hand on my shoulder slowly massaging them. It felt so relaxing. Then gliding down to my back, down to my waist. It tickled a bit.

Then I noticed his hands slowly went it front on to my stomach and slowly glided upwards.

"N-No~" He suddenly grabbed both of them and slowly massaged them.

"L-Law. I can t-take care of the f-front." I said, holding his arms and tried to remove them, it was starting to make me feel weird again. A minute later, he lets go, and he embraced me from behind and rested his chin on my shoulders.

"W-Why'd you do that?" I asked all flustered.

"Stress reliever." was all he said.

"Pfft. That's some logic. What are you stressed up about?" I asked.

"I just, still can't believe this is real." he said and kissed my neck.

"Me too." I said and held his arms that were wrapped around me.

We stayed like that for a bit and continued to wash up. I had fun washing his hair though. It was so soft and he looked hot with his wet look. After that, we finally cleaned ourselves up and he got out first.

Then he reached his hand out to me, so I'd be able to stand up on my own. I grabbed his hand and slowly stood up. My legs weren't as bad as before. We then dried ourselves and got dressed and went out to the kitchen.

"I'll make breakfast." Law said. I just nodded in agreement and he started cooking. I think it's for the best because I can't cook.

So I just waited at the table and observed Law's actions. He wore a black apron, which really suited him. The room smelled delicious. After a few minutes he removed his apron and placed the food down the table. Inside the plate was a simple rice balls and egg rolls.

"Itadakimasu." then we digged in. Even though it was such a simple dish, t was so delicious. His cooking was almost like Sanji's.

"Wow, this really good. What did you put in it?" I asked, stuffing my mouth with the food he cooked. He just looked at me and smirked.

"Love." I almost choked on my food at his response. It almost made me laugh. I also noticed he almost did too. But before we knew it, we bursted into laughter. We then continued to eat after we calmed down.

I'm kind of excited for our date later. I wonder what we'll do. We finished eating, and I volunteered to do the dishes since he cooked the food.

While I did the dishes, I just remembered what Kid said last time, there was gonna be a fireworks show tonight.

"Hey Law. Do you know about the fireworks festival tonight?" I asked asked while I rinsed off the plates.

"I don't think so." he answered.

"Well, Kid told me last night that there was gonna be a fireworks festival tonight. So I was thinking, we'd go, if you like." I said as I now finished drying the dishes off and placed them back.

I was about to turn around to talk to Law again, but he suddenly hugged me from behind.

"Did Eustass-ya invited you to go with him?" he asked.

"N-No. He said he knows I'll be going with you, so it was a lucky opportunity for him to go out with me the day before the festival. That's what he said to me." I answered. He seemed quiet for a bit. Does he not want to go? Then he lets go of me and looked at me.

"Okay. Let's go." he said and smiled genuinely. Just from his smile, I melted. I felt so elated and immediately hugged him and squealed.

"Yey. Thank you. I'm so excited!" I can't wait for our first official date.

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