Chap. 17: Sleeping Beauty

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Zephania's POV ~ 
      Ah~ This is so embarrassing. Someone saw me without clothes on. And it's because of that rat I stepped on. And worse, it had to be Law who saw me. Ah! I hate him.

But, wait a minute. Why did the light turn on. I tried to flick on the switch earlier but it did not turn on. I want to find out. What if the universe is playing a trick on me.

But first, now that I can see around, I immediately put on my clothes, then my shoes.

I wore a black off shoulder blouse, with white leggings that reached on my knees and then a pair of black shoes with white laces.

After I was done dressing up and got my bag, I went to the door. And there were two switches on both side of the wall.

The one I flicked on earlier was the ceiling fans. And on the opposite side, must be the light switch that Law used.

I don't blame myself, I'm still new here. I sometimes forgot. Well, what's done is done, but it was still embarrassing!

So, I opened the door and then turned off all the switches. And then, in the kitchen, I could see Law leaning on the wall, while carrying the clothes I threw at him earlier. Then I walked towards him.

"I'm going to take those now."  I said to him. And he looked at me.
"Here." was all he said.

"T-Thanks." 'Why did I stuttered?'

"No problem. Anything for you." he said while smiling at me.

"W-Whatever." I stuttered again.

And then he started walking towards the exit. And I followed behind him.

Time Skip ~ 
      We finally got home, and I was really tired, even for my first job.

"You tired Hania?" Law suddenly asked me as he closed the door behind him.

"Yeah. I'm going to bed after I change my clothes." I replied.

"Do you need any help in changing?"

"No!" I shouted back as a reply.

And then I stomped off into my bedroom and closed the door, and locked it.

And then I immediately took some night clothes out of my drawers and wore them. I then flopped down into bed.

"Hmm, Law can sleep on the couch outside, and I'll sleep here. That's fair enough." I said to myself and covered myself with the blanket.

I turned to my right, and to my left to adjust my position and feel comfortable.

And when I turned to my right again, I suddenly saw Law in front of me, laying in bed with his eyes closed.

I might say, he looks handsome when sleeping, I can't deny the fact that I'm staring at him. Ugh, I really hate my mind.

"You like what you see Hania?" I suddenly heard him say and I noticed his eyes started to move open and then I immediately closed my eyes shut so he won't notice.

After that, my tiredness took over me and I felt sleepy and then darkness now fully conquered me.

Time Skip ~  Morning 
       I woke up by the scent of something fragrant.

It was something minty and fresh. It smelled nice.

And I started to notice the warmth around me. I started to open my eyes and saw something that was black.

I tried to move but I couldn't. And then I remembered last night, and the situation finally sunk into me.

Law was the one that smelled minty and fresh. And he was the warmth that I felt earlier, and he was hugging me. His arms wrapped around me.

I started to push him away from me, but then he just wrapped me tighter around him. And then I heard him mumbled something,

"Don't leave. I missed you." he's talking in his sleep? Who's he talking to? It doesn't matter.

Then, I tried to push him again, and called his name.

"Law, let go." And I finally noticed his eyes that started to open slowly and stared down below me and I stared back at him.

"Let me go Law." I said the second time.

"No. Not yet. Just be quiet and go back to sleep." was all he said and he closed back his eyes and he pushed my head gently to his chest using his hand.

I tried to pull away, but I noticed something.

His chest, his heart, I couldn't hear it. No beating. Don't tell me,.....

(A/N: Heeeeeyyyyy. I'm back! I got another phone because my tablet can't be helped. So starting now, I will have to update again. But remember that it's going to be a slow update. Hihi....)

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