Chapter 46: Feeling

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Kid's POV ~
I didn't even got a chance to talk back. What the hell old man! I just looked back to shrimp who was behind me, my eyes widened, as she was shaking.

I immediately turned around and wrapped my arms around her, to comfort her.

"That must've been scary." I said to her.

"I, I don't know." she was unsure herself.

"Seeing how you reacted after, I know you were scared, you might not have felt it, but I could see it. Still, you stood up to him, for me. The hell with that shrimp, I'm falling for you even more." I suddenly blurted out, but I don't care. I want to say it.

"Huh?" she questioned.

"Ya heard me? I'm saying, I love you, Zephania. " I said. She then looked straight at me.

"You, love me?" she asked.

"Yes, I do. I freaking do. Got a problem?"

"No. But, why?" she said and looked down. I leaned back to a pole beside us thinking what to respond to her question.

"Hhhmm, well. It's because you're brave, strong, you put others before yourself like what you did now. Even though you're feelings my be gone, but you're still you. I've always liked that about you. I don't know when or how, but the moment you came into my life everything became more alive." I explained directly to her.

"I don't know how to react to that." she said and looked me straight in the eye, reflecting myself in her oceanic like orbs.

"Just say whatever it is you're thinking. I can take it." I said, though, I might already know the answer from the start. I actually don't know if I could also take it. But I don't regret confessing to her. Letting her know how I feel about, is enough.

Zephania's POV ~
Kid confessed that he loves me. I don't know how to react, or what to say. But I can't let him wait either. He said I'll just say whatever it is I am thinking regarding his confession, so I'll try.

"Thank you. But, I'm sorry. I can't return what you feel for me, to you. As you know of my situation, I don't have feelings anymore." I said to him. He just smiled, which was unexpected.

"I already knew that. I just want to confirm it." he said. How come he knew?

"But that's not entirely the right reason." he added.

"Huh? Whatever do you mean?" I wonder what he meant by that.

"You already have someone you're in love with." after he said that, the only person that came into mind was only,
"Law." I suddenly whispered.

"Yeah. That Trafalshit. I know I've already lost ever since the beginning. I might've known from the start, but I just want to let you know my feelings for you. I know, I'm out of character, but it's the truth." he continued.

"Law." I suddenly had a hard time breathing again, as I said his name. Kid noticed me, and went up to me with concern in his face.

"Law." I thought I had a hard time breathing because of exams, or because I thought I was sick, but it's none of that. It was because the feelings locked inside my heart was trying to reach him. They want to be free. My feelings are telling me that I have Law, and I love him. I really love him. I feel, so heavy.

"I want to see him. I want to see Law." I want to tell Law everything I feel about him.

"Kid, I want to go back." I said and he just smiled for reassurance.

"Gotcha." he said and hoisted me back to his bike, then he followed after.

We drove off, it was already dark. I sat quietly behind Kid as I gripped his shirt. I feel like I'm going to burst. I feel like everything is starting to surface.

"We're almost there." he said to me, so I held on for a bit longer.

We stopped, we were finally here. I got off and turned to Kid.

"Thank you Kid." I said and pecked his cheeks.

"Anything for you. Now hurry up and step on it. Otherwise I'll take you away from here." he smiled as he joked, then I watched him immediately drove off.

After that, I immediately ran up towards the door. I stood there for a second, catching my breath, then I turned the doorknob open.

In the living room, I saw Law, reading a book, shirtless with only his spotted pants, and his hair was wet, like he just got out of the shower.

I walked in, and he finally noticed me. He walked up to me with a worried expression, he could see there something wrong.

As he was finally in front of me, my vision went blurry. I bursted into crying. I couldn't take it anymore. I immediately wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him towards my level, and kissed him.

I could sense he was surprised at first, but finally kissed back while he wrapped his arms around me. Everything I've felt, all melted it to the kiss. It felt, liberating. It felt, free.

I pulled back, warm tears still falling down my face, as I finally said the words I've wanted to say.

"Law, I love you."

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