Chapter 24: Danger

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Zephania's POV~
"Look girls. She looks helpless, and dirty. Disgusting!" Monet said to her group. They giggled. Ugh.

So I spatted "Look what the cat dragged in. Get it? 'Cuz you're a pussy!" I smirked at her.

Her group giggled more, guess they found that funny. I saw Monet's face darkened and her legs then transformed into giant claws.

"Y-You bitch!"

"Aaargh!!" Did she just kick me? She fucking kicked me with those huge fucking claw feet of hers.

"Horohorohorohorohoro, serves you right you peasant." Ugh that ghost girl Perona is so weird.

I have to get up, but the side Monet kicked me freaking hurts. Damnit. In anyway, I have to escape. I don't have my katana, I can't fight this group on my own.

"You still continue to mock me. I'll definitely teach you a lesson. Do not mess with me!" Monet said as she start to fly towards me.

"W-Well, ugh, I don't have to mess with you. You're messed up already." I spatted, which I know angered her more.

"You little! Porche, record this! It's time we humiliate this trash." I heard Monet said. Record what?

"Already on it." I heard Porche said.

"She's no match for you Monet. She looks weak, this'll be finished quickly." Kalifa said.

Damn them, a group versus one. They'd stoop in such low standards just because I hurt their feelings? Pathetic.

"Go. To. Hell." was all I said.


"AAARGHH!!!" fuck, that kick was harder that the last one. I spitted out some blood. Damnit, now I'm completely messy.

"Pardon me." I saw Kalifa running towards me. I noticed her right leg lifted, I was able to block her kick.


"Horohorohorohoro, my turn." Damn that ghost girl I can't block her ability. I see a ghost float towards me.

*Whoosh* It went through me!

"I-I'm sorry, I was born~." The hell!

"Hahahaha, such a sight. It's so satisfying to see this trash get humiliated." I heard Monet laugh.

"Damnit!" I cursed as I gripped my bag.

"Hmm? What do you have there?" I noticed Monet walking towards me. I looked up and her gaze was on my bag. Oh no.

"Give me that." she forcefully managed to take it from me.

Oh no. She's searching my bag.

"Oh? What's this?" She took the plastic bag with the phone which I bought for Law out.

"A phone? Looks cheap." she threw it on the ground.

"NO!" and smashed it.

"Eh~ so that was important? Good thing I found it. Hahaha." Monet and her group laughed.

She broke it. She broke the phone. She broke my compensation to Law.

"Oi." They all looked at me.

"I don't care if you beat me up or kill me. You should never have done that. You should never mess with other people's belongings! Just like how you messed with Ace!" I shouted. I am so pissed off right now. Now I know what kind of person she is, Ace would never have such low standards to be with this chicken.

"Eh~ What're you gonna do about it rat." Monet came closer leaning down on me.


I spit on her face.


I hear Perona and Porche gasp.
I see Monet's raging face as she wiped the spit.

"Why you!"


She grabbed me by my collar with her giant claws and slammed me so hard to the wall. I think the wall broke, my head is throbbing and my vision is getting blurry.

"You really think you can lecture me! I'm better than you, so act like a worm.!" she shouted.

"W-Well, y-you do eat worms, 'cuz you're a f-freaking bird. H-Heheh." I managed to say.

She was about to hit me with her wings when she stopped. Why?

"What a nice necklace you have here. It doesn't suit you." She snapped the necklace off my neck with her other claw foot!

On no!


(A/N: Yey, done with the next chapter. Hope you're catching up fine. Chapter 25: Danger part 2, coming up. Hehe. Don't forget to vote/comment minna. Hehe. Take care. See ya...)

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