Chap . 10: Crowded Services

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Narrator's POV ~
      The first day Zephania had just started working at Makino's Cafeteria, is also the same day the Genie, Trafalgar Law, was introduced and the same day he started working at Makino's Cafeteria with his master, Roronoa Zephania.

"Hey, Zephania. We have been having a lot more costumers lately don't you think?" Vivi said to Zephania, who were both on their 5 minute break, standing in the kitchen.

"Really? Why do you think so?" Zephania asked as she started drinking her water.

"Well, I think it's because of the new guy, Trafalgar Law-san."


Zephania suddenly spitted put all her water and spilled some on her clothes as soon as she heard Law's name from Vivi.

"A-Are you okay Zephania?"

*cough* *cough*

"Ahhhk, huh? Law!?" she said after she stopped coughing out the water.

"Hmmh." Vivi nodded.

"We haven't really got a lot of costumers like since forever. They're all lining up outside. It's chaos put there. And I think Law-san is the cause." Vivi added.

"Why do you even think he's the reason of that Vivi?" Zephania asked while wiping her face with her hanky.

"Well, because he's attractive. And that's why he attracted so many people here. They even think he's a super model." Vivi said.

"Heh, super model? You've got to be kidding me. He's not even close to that."

"Who's not close to what?"

"Ah! Miss Makino. Why're you here?" Zephania jumped in surprise as her manager popped out behind her.

"Well, this is my Cafeteria. So, I should be here." Makino said to her.

'Ugh, stupid.' Zephania mentally face palmed.

"I meant, why are you out in your office." Zephania asked again.

"I just came out to see what's happening out here. It's so noisy and loud. I could hear it from inside my office. And why are you in here anyway?" Makino said.

"It's our 5 minute break Miss Makino." Zephania said.

"Yeah. And if you mean by noisy and loud, it's coming from the people outside. The new guy, Law-san is really attracting a lot of costumers. And we haven't really had this much costumers since, forever." Vivi said to Makino.

And Makino took a peek outside the kitchen and saw a lot of costumers waiting and lining up. And some were taking pictures of Law, taking pictures with Law, like he's a celebrity. And then she went back to face the two in front of her.

"I see. Well, I think 5 minute break is over. So, why don't you finiah your work out there. There's a lot of costumers you know. And I better get back to my office. Good luck." Makino smiled as she said those and went back into her office. While Vivi is planning on going back to work.

"I better go back Zephania. You should too." Vivi said.

"I'll be right there with you soon. I better dry myself off first." Zephania replied.

"Oh, ok. Come on out if you're ready. There's a lot more costumers now." Vivi then started to walk away, leaving Zephania in the kitchen.

"Ha, a lot of costumers? When you say costumers, you mean a lot of women costumers lining up outside, because of that Law. That damn genie." Zephania started whispering to her as she dried her bottom clothing with a dry towel that she took on one of the cabinets below the sink.

"That Law brought a lot of female costumers. I don't know why those women find him attractive anyway."

"Why? Are you jealous?"

"Ha, jealous?

Why would I be je-"

Law's POV ~
      I can't believe there's a lot of costumers around here. And I think I'm the only one serving them lately. I noticed some of the waitresses are mixed up, joining the crowd of costumers. While the two waiters were accompanying me. Few minutes have passed since I've been doing this. And every minute, there are more coming. And most of their purposes were befriending me. But, since now I work here because I need to keep an eye on my master, I will also follow the rules that my master follows here. Speaking of rules and serving, where's my master?

"Oh, ok. Come on out if you're ready. There's a lot more costumers now." I heard the familiar female voice of my mast- Hania's friend from earlier, in the men's changing room.

'Hania. That word tingles in my mouth. Like I've said that word before. Even before I met Hania. That's strange. It's seems familiar.' I thought.

Then I saw the blue haired girl came out of the kitchen. I temporarily left my post and went towards. And she noticed me. "Vivi, right?" I asked.

"Y-Yeah." she shyly said while looking up at me.

"Where is Hania?" I asked her again.

"She's back there inside the kitchen." she said and pointed into the kitchen.

"Why isn't she with you?"

"She got herself spilled with the water she drank. So she's drying herself up." she said.

"Okay." I said and went into the kitchen.

When I got there, I heard Hania's voice. Like she was mumbling something. So I walked closer to the direction it was coming from.

"-mn genie." She's mentioning me?

I walked a bit more and there, I saw her in the sink, drying her bottom clothing with a towel. She hasn't noticed me.

"That Law brought a lot of female costumers. I don't know why those women find him attractive anyway." she said.

"Now this should be fun. "Why? Are you jealous?" I said.

"Jealous? Why would I be je-" she topped in mid sentence ad quickly turned around and saw me.

"Law!? How long have you been standing there?" her eyes widened in shock.

"Not long." I replied.

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be out there?" she asked me.

"I should be asking you the same thing. But, now I see the reason why." I said and loked at her clothes.

It was somehow wet and soaked in water, from her neck dripping down to her chest, and some on her bottom skirt.

"W-What are you staring at?" she then started covering herself with her arms like someone saw that she was naked, and like she was thinking that I was a pervert peeking at her naked body. Well, now that I think of it. I smirked as I thought of something, something fun.

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